Ok, Trump Won: Now We Must Refocus on State Power & Local Culture – Podcast

We The People Must Start Refocusing on State Power & Local Culture

Eric Thompson explores how Trump’s victory signals an opportunity for Americans to focus on state-level governance and local priorities. Drawing from the anti-federalist movement that shaped the 10th Amendment, this episode dives into the importance of limiting federal power and empowering states.

Learn how citizens can embrace their unique state cultures and push back against overreach by federal authorities. Featuring insights from the OC Register and key historical context, this episode challenges listeners to reclaim control over their local communities.


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We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Hi, welcome to the Ark Thompson Show podcast. Thank you so much for joining me. You know, I’m looking around and it’s like, hey, President Trump won, Now what do we do? Well, I’m gonna put forward in this podcast.

So what we don’t do is stare at the federal government, federal judges, federal this federal is It’s time for we the people to go home. We need to focus on what our school boards are doing, as are doing, what our state senators are doing, what our governors are doing. Thank you for listening. If you want to get more information on me, my website will be up and running again here and about it.

Right after the first of the year, ET Talkshow dot Com, et Talkshow dot Com. President Trump wanted you know that, yes, he’s going to serve a second term starting January twentieth, and unless there’s an assassination or health reason or something else, that’s pretty much a foregone conclusion at this point. Finally, but you know, when I look around at most of the media, most of the news outlets, from conservative to liberal, from Axios or MSN over to get way Pundit, ninety percent of what they’re writing about is national national, national, national, Trump Trump, Trump, Trump National National. I think it’s time for people to focus on now that we need to let let the elon musk in the vivek and uh, you know, working with the Trump team to significantly reduce the budget and the head count up in DC.

Let’s let them do what they’re going to do. But we need to start to focus on how is your city doing? Like I’m in Oklahoma. I have a new podcast. It’s called Anchored in Oklahoma dot Com, but we’re I’m going to be specifically covering Oklahoma news.

This one, though, is an is a journey that we can go on. Most of you are Christians, so we need to have an opportunity to talk about our faith in the national level and make sure the Supreme Court is dealing with getting rid of the Face Act if they get the opportunity. Things that are that the federal government and some of the laws are affecting us. But in general, since we’ve put we’ve given the Republicans the majority in the House and the Senate and the Oval Office.

It’s time to understand that it’s the states the matter. The states gave the authority to the federal government. See what happened was when the US Constitution was getting put together and eventually the Bill of Rights ratified in seventeen ninety one, it was dealing with something called federalism, whereby the federal government would be how these macro responsibilities and the individual states would share power by mutual agreement. But there’s something called the supremacy clause.

Guess who has who had the final say, Yes, the federal government, the politicians in DC. Well, what happened was that wasn’t sitting too good. This supremacy clause would be good for like, you know, maybe protecting the borders for war, you know, for tariffs, things that they had to have us say on. So a state on the border with Mexico when we were getting started as a nation, couldn’t just leave it wide open.

So the federal government had was given the responsibility and they had they had the over they had the main responsibility, the supremacy to take care of keeping enemies out of our country. That’s when Marxists have taken over the Democratic Party and they opened the borders. Now we have it flipped where we have it with the supremacy clause is actually backfiring on with the people because Congress has the power over the border. But if the federal government is not enforcing the border, then it’s that then we have a That’s that’s why in Texas and President Trumps first Trumper trying to say emergency emergency because people have been coming in, so then they start closing it up.

Immigration slowed way down. But the problem is when Biden got in day one, completely throw open the sheets. They’re open the curtains. Well, the founders who were some were the anti federalists.

This was the group the men who opposed the creation of a strong, a strong federal government that could cause havoc at the state level. So what came to be the Tenth Amendment was kind of in motion already were members before they ratified the constitution were actually looking to make sure that, you know, we need to put in a provision that would then restrict what the federal government was doing. And if we didn’t give the federal government specific duties, if we didn’t give them anything outside of that list, then everything should be assumed and left to the state level. This is why when if we get in this mob mentality of always looking federal, then we’re actually missing the whole power that the states have.

So we need to tell the federal government when we are positions of power with the Congress and the Presidency to hey, roll it back, roll it back. So this is why I am more of an anti federalist. I do not want a strong federal government. I want an efficient federal government that does very minimal things and then leave things at the state.

The purpose of tenth Amendment was to reaffirm the principles of federalism and reinforce the notion the federal government maintaining only limited enumerated powers. Tenth Amendment, the power is not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited prohibited by by it to the states. Are reserved to the states respectively or to the people. So the way it’s supposed to work is we now that President Trump’s going to be starting January twentieth, especially, your news should be local if you’re in Oklahoma, check out my Anchored in Oklahoma podcast Local, What’s Our Governor? Doing.

What in the world is he or she thinking we need to replace he or she who’s in the school board a bunch of yahoos. Well, then guess what you run and get let us know, and then we will get people to go out and do the local and replace the abusive, radical, hyper sexualized nuts. Get them out of the school boards. Things like that, homelessness in your state, crime in your state, district attorneys.

So look up to tenth Amendment, because it is it is what you should be really we should all really be enjoying. And then we put people in positions of authority in our state and then we can live peaceably because if you look at the federal government and what’s going on, I’ll cover some of the news that is going on at that and tell me if it’s something that should upset you or is it something you can say sounds like a personal problem. I gotta make sure my state is doing the right thing. But before I get into the what the major news outlet want you to get upset about, I want you to I want to remind you that for years now, Rush Limbaugh even there’s been this mass exodus of people that have been leaving at and t riseing T Mobile or Sprint cell service for a couple of reasons.

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Get puretalk dot com promo code fls. Thanks. All right, here, here’s what’s going on that the news wants you to focus on. Doesn’t matter if it’s tuxios to Gateway pundit.

Joe Biden veto’s a once barbed bipartisan bill that would add sixty six judges. We don’t have enough judges. So because they’re afraid of President Trump coming in now and taking those nude created judge ships and replay and putting in conservative judges. He actually vetoed a bill that his caucus, the Democrats, wanted, but because Trump won.

See, they thought Trump they thought for sure that Trump couldn’t get back in office. So they well, here’s sixty six more judge ships, so Joe would have gotten reelected or comma bam, you fill them up with wack jobs. Oops, Trump won, So let’s veto them. Let’s not let that bill go through funding the new judge ships.

They want us to get upset about a federal injunction. So in the North Carolina Supreme Court election, why does that matter to us? Do you live in North Carolina? No, Now here’s something that’s interesting. Congress fights sent conservative wake up call that Trump may not be on their side. So now what So this is where we look at it and we go, okay, why I can only deal with my representatives.

So if you hear that, you go okay. Elon musk vivek Ramaswami had conservatives excited about the government cuts right the doch but Trump is posed to spend the money that they save to fund his big promises. So what you have now, according to political is you have if things need to be done that would permanently fix the economy or permanently fix the energy policy, and we have to spend money, for example, deporting twenty thirty million people, then yes, if el On Evec are able to come up with solutions and programs and departments that can be cut, and then that the savings is used to permanently correct problems and get people out of the country, well then that’s kind of how it’s gonna work. But there’s some people up there Conservatives are like, wait a minute, why are you gonna go spend money.

See, this is where we need to have our representatives that are kind of thinking. Now, if if we hear from our conservatives like in Oklahoma and ASA and I and our House members actually start talking to us and they say, well, here’s what it is. First two years, don’t expect to see an the reduction in the deathsit but we’re using this money for this great But at starting year three, then we’re expecting the national debt to come down at least if I understand starting at the local up to the state level, which I could understand because I a should be able to reach people. I wouldn’t have to wait sit here stare at the stories all day.

But this is this is what they want you to do. Do you know why? How do you think large news outlets make How do you think they make money by you coming back over and over and over same thing. Trump ropeos feathers as he pledges under Obama’s insulting name change. UH.

Top Democrat stortus torches Biden for voting bill the Senate voted unanimously to pass. No you it’s hard to live your daily life if you’re too busy staring outside the border of your state. So not to belabor the point I’m misinviting you to go along with us as we journey together. The Christians listening, You can if you want to hear my Christian podcast it’s Christian Talk with Derrick Thompson.

But for all of us, the idea we need to get up in the morning, thank God as mercies are new, go to work, go to church, go to the low League, go to the movies, whatever you do, and have fun. Get to know your neighbors. Get to walk confidently in your state because you’re holding your representatives accountable, making sure that they are punishing the evildoers. And the only time we really got to look up is if we see the state trying to use their supremacy powers, trying to come in and just you know, trying to well, no, no, no, you can’t pass that law because that violates our state constitution and it violates the Bill of Rights.

That’s when we get our attorney generals of our states and our governors and representatives. We get them fighting for us against the encroachment of the federal government. We should have we should have fifteen to fifty United States from their thirteen original colonies. But Roni United under the reality this idea of being part of a constitutional republic with defined responsibilities at the federal level, so we should be safe.

There should be a safe a very small safety net, but the programs that are excessively given away money need to be terminated. And getting thirty million people out of the country that we don’t know who they are would help the help defog to lift, and then we could say federal governments costs way down, the cost burden on the states way down, and then we start making sure our citizens are taking care but also encouraged to make a difference. But you can’t do it at a macro level. Things can only be fixed at the state level, affecting the local people.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. You can email me at eric at ettalkshow dot com eric at et talkshow dot com and say, well, yeah, I want to hear more about this or we need to cover this in twenty twenty five. There’s some shows I listen to that there’s like this, I don’t know. It’s kind of a meandering type of thing where you just go hour by hour and it’s like, okay, glad you like to fish and there’s some people that are in politics.

Politics article article article artic article story story story anger anger anger article article. Why don’t we talk about who’s the best basketball player in history? Then we’ll find out. You know what state you’re from, oh Man, I was a Sixers fan. I’m from Philly.

I’m Magic Johnson. I’m from La. Right. It’s life, liberty, pursue of happiness.

We want to live happily. Can’t do that if we’re watching political videos and arguing with people all the time. Trump said his greatest the thing he wanted to do is not as much retribution as he was kind of implying his victory would be through being successful. That is the biggest That’s the worst thing he can do for the radical left is to be successful in advancing his policies.

So I’m excited. I’m excited where we’re going. But daily we’re going to be covering We’ll be covering a couple of news stories that only deal with the federal governments, encroachment or things you need to know, but them are going to be dealing with culture. Department of Education needs to close.

Why if that’s a federal agency, eyes that need to close because it’s negatively affecting us at the state level. So we’ll be tracking that that defunding and hopefully the closure. If not, if they’re not getting it done, then we’ll go over how to work with your representatives to apply pressure and if necessary, for us to get organized to replace them. But I think we’re positioned right now.

If the mass deportation happens, may take eight years, ten years, but as long as the big thrust is underway and taxes are coming down and fuel will come down, inflation will stagnate again, I think we’re in a position we can reset at the state level, get the power out of the FED, and let’s live again. So if you go to Colorado, if you go to another state, hopefully it’s like it used to be, where the state’s are a little bit different and unique because they have different histories, they have different now trure resources. That’s why traveling is fun. When you travel to a place, it’s not.

If all fifty states are basically being dominated by the federal government unconstitutionally, well that’s not any fun because like, yeah, you know, like with COVID, we got to wear a mask everywhere. Well, some states stry to fire. Well, then They’re like, well, you’ll lose funding from how HHS if you don’t put mask on, you know, so this whole will tend tom you know, the the UH Partment of Education. We won’t send your your school’s money.

What they did is the federal government was able to get the schools in our communities dependent upon their money, and then they and then the Department of Education kept putting more strings attached to everything so they could pull the puppet strings. That’s not how our founding fathers set up our constitutional public. The FED shouldn’t be pulling strings for local district attorney races. What’s being taught at the local school? Do police departments or fire departments? Are they getting money? Why they’re getting money from the Fed? Because then the federal government keeps spending money and keeps raising a national debt and then offering to send some of this fake money.

There’s printed money with no goal behind it and nothing to back it, to the states, to the organizations down to the local level if they actually play ball. That’s why it’s a mess. We had cut the puppet strings. We got to quit getting angry all day and watching news all day.

Live a little bit and I’m going to be encouraging. You get the church, getting your Bible studies, help people be a person that is making a difference, not someone that’s known for being angry. And all they want to do is argue about national politics, which you have no say over. After we put Trump in and they went state once they’re in, right after January, first the House and in the Senate, the new it will reset with the new elected representatives, and then on January twentieth, and then all the chaos is going to start.

But if we’re all at our state level saying hey, this is what’s happening. Hey, hey, hey representatives and state senators and US senators, it’s okay. We don’t need all this money come from coming from the fad. You get the illegals out, and we get our economy going.

We can take care of our own people. That’s what they’re afraid of. They’re afraid if we return to the entry anti federalist position, small federal government, strong states, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and the acquisition of properties. The property and happy days are here again.

So again, if you want to get hold of me, you can email me at Eric at et talkshow dot com eric at et talkshow dot com. I did want to remind you guys too, besides saving money on your cell phone service, which can be done in ten minutes. It gets pure talk dot com. Doctor Zelenko, you know him, sound familiar, doctor Vladimir Zelenko.

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Get zstack dot com promo code is save. Thank you so much. Please share this friend podcast with your friends and family. Please subscribe again the emails Eric at e t talkshow dot com on the website of you up right after the first I’ll bless you guys.

Take care,


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