Eric Thompson

Arizona Election Law May Permit Non-Citizens To Vote In 2024 Presidential Election

In Arizona, one of the key swing states in the presidential election, illegal aliens will be able to vote for all federal offices, including president, Senator and House members thanks to a new law with a loophole as big as AOC’s mouth.

Democratic Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes crafted the state’s Election Procedures Manual (EPM) will allow people whose citizenship cannot be proven will have the ability to vote. This could violate federal law, but with all of the activist judges it could slide by.

The EPM says on page three of its first chapter:

“An otherwise eligible registrant who does not submit DPOC (proof of citizenship) and whose U.S. citizenship cannot be verified via AZMVD records or other record in the statewide voter registration database is registered as a ‘federal-only’ voter. A ‘federal-only’ voter is eligible to vote solely in races for federal office in Arizona (including the Presidential Preference Election (PPE)).” 

Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told the Daily Caller believes that Arizona’s two-tiered voter registration system could very well enable illegal aliens to vote for federal offices.

von Spakovsky told the Caller:

“I think it’s absolutely a possibility because if you aren’t requiring proof of citizenship, you’re simply going on people’s word that oh yeah I’m a U.S. citizen, you’re going to get aliens who register and who vote.”

“The Justice Department, they don’t prosecute these cases, even though it’s a felony under federal law for an alien to register and vote. Aliens have an incentive, a voter registration card, which you get when you register, that’s a gateway for getting other kinds of ID.”

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