Eric Thompson

Biden Still Blaming COVID For Skyrocketing Inflation Numbers

In a nation where the dollar’s strength is a reflection of its people’s prosperity, the specter of inflation looms large, casting a shadow over American households.

President Joe Biden’s insistence on blaming COVID-19 for the persistent inflationary woes is increasingly seen as an evasion of responsibility for the economic policies that many believe are fueling the fire of rising prices.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key measure of inflation, surged again in February, according to AP News.

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The increase confirms inflation remains a persistent challenge for the Federal Reserve and for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, both of which are counting on a steady easing of price pressures this year.

The inflation rate is based on consumer price index data which measures the cost of everyday items that Americans tend to buy.

This uptick is not just a number; it represents higher costs at the gas pump, grocery store, and virtually every facet of daily life for Americans. The impact is palpable and deeply personal—families are feeling the pinch as they struggle to stretch their paychecks to cover basic needs.

During a call-in appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Monday, former President Donald Trump took aim at President Joe Biden over inflation.

“People are going through hell,” due to rising prices, Trump said, with energy and food costs “through the roof.”

Inflation has hit Americans hard in the past few years, cumulative inflation is up 18% since 2021, when Biden took office.

President Biden has repeatedly passed the buck for his failing economic policies; On Monday he told Co-host Al Roker during an interview on NBC’s “Today that the economic pressure to the “lasting effect” of COVID-19 and emphasized the need to “get people to move again” in order to improve what he calls “the best economy.”

However, critics argue that this perspective overlooks how government actions—particularly spending—contribute significantly to inflation.

The federal government’s size and scope have expanded dramatically over time, with spending reaching unprecedented levels. Many conservatives assert that this bloated bureaucracy must be deconstructed. They contend that an oversized government not only stifles individual freedoms but also burdens taxpayers with inefficiencies and debt that can lead to economic instability.

Cutting government spending is seen as a crucial step toward reining in inflation. The rationale is straightforward: when the government spends more than it takes in, it borrows money by issuing debt. This increases demand in the economy without corresponding production, which can drive up prices. Moreover, if financed through printing more money, it can devalue currency and further exacerbate inflation.

The Biden administration’s policies have been under scrutiny for their potential role in escalating inflationary pressures. For instance, massive stimulus packages designed to mitigate COVID-19’s economic impact injected vast amounts of cash into the economy. While these measures provided short-term relief for many Americans, some economists argue they also set the stage for long-term inflationary challenges by overheating consumer demand.

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Poll numbers reflect growing discontent among voters regarding President Biden’s handling of the economy. With his re-election prospects in 2024 looking increasingly uncertain amid these concerns, there is a palpable sense among conservatives that policy changes are needed—and needed urgently—to restore economic stability and confidence.

Critics point out that while external factors like supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 certainly play a role in rising prices, they do not tell the whole story. They emphasize that policy decisions made at home have far-reaching implications for inflation and ultimately affect every American wallet.

The debate over how best to address these issues continues unabated across political lines. Yet one thing remains clear: Americans are searching for solutions that will ease their financial burdens and secure an economically prosperous future—a future where fiscal responsibility takes center stage in Washington D.C., rather than being relegated to an afterthought behind sweeping spending initiatives.

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As families across America tighten their belts in response to soaring costs of living brought on by rampant inflation rates under President Biden’s watchful eye—a question lingers:

Will there be a shift towards policies aimed at fiscal restraint before it’s too late?

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