Eric Thompson

Billionaire’s Endorsement: Trump Gains Support from Business Mogul

In a significant endorsement that could have substantial implications for the upcoming presidential race, a top billionaire has publicly declared his support for Donald Trump, urging Americans to “vote for change.” This endorsement from one of the nation’s most influential business figures underscores the ongoing dissatisfaction with the current administration and a desire for a dramatic shift in leadership.

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Stephen Schwarzman, the CEO and co-founder of real estate giant Blackstone, said Friday that he is planning to support former President Donald Trump’s campaign as a “vote for change.”

Mr. Schwarzman cited what he called a “dramatic rise of antisemitism” in the United States that has led him to “focus on the consequences of upcoming elections with greater urgency.”

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While he did not go into specifics, the Blackstone CEO is most likely referring to a number of left-wing protests across U.S. college campuses and other places against Israeli activity in Gaza following the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks led by Hamas.

“I share the concern of most Americans that our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction. For these reasons, I am planning to vote for change and support Donald Trump for President. In addition, I will be supporting Republican Senate candidates and other Republicans up and down the ticket,” he told multiple news outlets Friday.

Other top donors who have said they would back President Trump include professional wrestling entrepreneur Linda McMahon, a longtime Trump donor who was in charge of the Small Business Administration during the Trump administration, as well as Nevada budget hotel tycoon Robert Bigelow, former Marvel Entertainment Isaac “Ike” Perlmutter, Mellon banking family heir Timothy Mellon, hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, hotel magnate Steve Wynn, hedge fund manager John Paulson, and more.

“I am pleased to support President Trump in his re-election efforts,” Mr. Paulson told CNN in March. “His policies on the economy, energy, immigration and foreign policy will be very beneficial for the country.”

“We are receiving an overwhelming amount of support from donors,” he told the channel. “This support, along with the landslide victory he achieved in the primaries, shows his strong support amongst Americans.”

This endorsement from a top billionaire is more than just a political statement; it is a clarion call for a shift in leadership and policy direction. As the nation prepares for the next election, such endorsements will play a crucial role in shaping the discourse and influencing the electorate. The support for Trump underscores a broader desire for change, a return to economic principles that prioritize growth, and a leadership that understands and can adeptly navigate the complexities of the global market.


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