Eric Thompson

CNN Analyst Visibly Shocked by Trump’s Massive Lead: My God

During a recent CNN broadcast their political analyst was shocked and astounded by the massive lead that President Donald Trump held in the polls.

Hours after longtime host Fareed Zakaria begged President Joe Biden on his Sunday show to “turn things around,” analyst Harry Enten broke down the latest poll numbers from NYT/Sienna showing the Democratic incumbent badly trailing former President Donald Trump in key swing states that are expected to decide the election.

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For example: Trump leads Biden by 9% in Georgia, a must win and ground zero to the disputed 2020 presidential results and two stunning U.S. Senate wins by Democrats that year.

Arizona, another very close loss for Trump four years ago, is showing the 45th President of the United States up 6% among likely voters.

“My God,” the analyst exclaimed, their voice tinged with disbelief. “I have never seen anything like this before. This is truly unprecedented.”

“These numbers are an absolute disaster… 13 in Nevada? My goodness God!” said Enten. “No Democrat has lost that state since John Kerry lost it back in 2004.”

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Results for Biden were not much better in the Great Lakes states where Trump leads Biden by 3% in Pennsylvania, 1% in Wisconsin, and remains just 1% behind in Michigan.

However, he added, “this they can work with,” he added before pointing back to the Sun Belt results. “This the Donald Trump campaign absolutely loves, and it looks like a lot of other polling.”

Looking at the Electoral College math, the advantage also goes to Trump, “but he’s not over the 270 mark just yet.”

With Great Lakes battleground states and several congressional districts in Maine and Nebraska all within the margin of error, Biden has a narrow path to victory, but all the chips must fall in his favor.

The short clip showing Trump significant move in the race, is being promoted by President Trump’s war room account on X to drive GOP voter enthusiasm.

Zakaria noted Sunday that Trump is now seen as the more competent leader by a majority of voters, a 25-point swing from where he stood four years ago.

The results indicate just how fed-up Americans are with stagflation and overseas wars with no end in sight.

Additionally, Biden’s age has become a big factor among poll respondents, “and there’s very little Biden can do now to change that perception.”


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