DNC Fraud Week. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Dropping Out? Eric Thompson Show

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Welcome to the Eric Thompson Show. Passionate conservative fighting to preserve our constitutional rights in. This present crisis. Government is not the solution to our problem.

Government is the problem. A Marine Corps veteran and familyman whose life’s creed is faith, family, and country, join Eric today as he covers current events from a conservative worldview. Now here’s your host, Eric Thompson.

Hi, Welcome to the Eric Thompson Show podcast.

Thank you so much for joining me on this podcast. We’ll be going over some of the news that’s trending right now. You can keep up on what I’m doing over here on a few websites Eric Thompsonshow dot info, Eric Thompson Show dot info, and also over at finishthrace dot com finish race dot com. Those are a couple of the sites that I own where I’m publishing again Riki, Oric Thompson dot info and finish erase dot com.

If you’re a MAGA supporter, it’s a magatv dot com is where you can also check out what I’m doing. And if you like small social media platforms, I have want my own that you can reach me easier. It is just twilet dot com tw e l l i T dot com. What’s going on here? On Tuesday, August twenty, twenty twenty four, this is the second day of the Democratic National Committee.

And what do we have. We have a political party that has an abortion truck trailer outside of the hall of a sectomy clinic outside the building, and the whole discussion is abortion, abortion, abortion, don’t have children, don’t have children? Women rule and the political apparatus. The major media outlets and reporting agencies like n PR, Reuters, NBC, ABC, even smaller ones like CNN, they’ve been doing their best to try to recreate Kamala Harris’s legacy and trying to hide the statements that confirm that she’s not very smart and help her help the public. Let me rephrase that, to deceive the public into allowing Kamala to be able to be separated from the current Biden Harris administration’s policies that are destroying the country.

So the convention was supposed to be about joy, but as we know that there has been already the anti Israel, anti Semitic mob has already been breaking down one of the fences and causing problems. And because the left is done with Joe Biden, they forced him till twelve o’clock, twelve thirty in the morning to speak. Yes, the president of the United States, who actually won all the delegates to run to be on the ballot in November fifth, who was forced out by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. They’re done with Joe.

So they had Joe speak when everybody was sleeping, not primetime. So the news is having trouble now because the polls that they’ve been trying to say is showing that Wow, everybody now is in there and Kamala is boy, she is gonna be the She’s gonna win. Well, it’s not happening this way because not so fast. There was an article here from US Elections that when a Kamala superpack packs, you know that’s out trying to help her.

The president of the pack says that their internal pulling numbers is actually showing it’s not so rosy for the Kamala campaign. See, the left would have you believe that Kamala’s up eight points, ten points, flip all these states and everybody loves her because everybody hates Trump, even though the media at the same time over the weekend said why won’t Kamala tell us her policies. I mean, it’s time for her to come out and speak. And that’s why late last week she put out, well, here’s my economic policy, which is actually just an old playbook used by the communists.

They’re like, well that’s not too good. Why don’t you explain it more and talk to us? And so she was out trying to speak, but all she did is more word salads and just just hurting her, hurting her chances again because as people get to know her, they’re not going to like her or trust her. Chauncey McClain of Future Forward USA told a panel hosted by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics that they’re internal pulling numbers are much less rosy. Quote, we have the we have a tight as a tick and pretty much across the board unquote, well wait a minute, what about everybody’s behind you know, Kamala, And think about it.

The millions and millions and millions of dollars and all the free uh ads and promotions and all the free coverage the left media has ran for Kamala and the best they can come up with internal pulling, it’s tied in reality. New York Times Cinema College, Emerson College, CBS you go, that confirm that now the Sweet States are now tied again and some polls have Trump up. So what does this mean, Well, it means that we are kind of back to where we were in twenty twenty. We have we have just like Joe Biden was hitting in his basement, we have Joe Biden, I’m sorry, we have Kamala Harris, who they’re trying to hide even though Joe was a you know as a plagiarist and messed with the women and has all the financial problems with this family, which is why the gop led House Representatives is revealing more and more dirt on how much the Biden’s actually made off of quid pro quo and Joe using his influence and people and his family using his influence to fleece Ukraine, Russia and other countries they’ve been trying they hit, you know, the left, by influence and by the FBI hiding Hunter’s laptop from being exposed.

In twenty twenty, all of this, all of this cover up that’s took that has been taking place with the Bidens, is now being as they’ve been trying to redefine Kamala, even though she’s a mean person whose staff doesn’t want to work with her and nobody voted for her, they’ve been trying to rebuild her into this nice, joyful person. It’s just we’re back into twenty twenty where you’ve got the Left lying about their candidate, trying to keep their candidate out of the public eye while they attack Trump. And it’s by now of four years of Biden’s time as the Vice president in the Biden Harris administration, with fifteen to twenty million more legal aliens coming in with Venice Valen Venezuelan cartel’s now taking over apartments in Colorado. And we see the crime in New York, the crime in la We’ve got the rapes, We’ve got all of this craziness.

We have Kamala who personally out of her own mouth over the last three four years. Yeah, we need to we need to restructure ICE, and we need to rethink policing, and we need to we need to force every state to have abortion on demand, and we need there’s all these videos of Kamala not being able to speak to repeating ourselves just a mess whose father. Kamala’s father was a was a Marxist, the economist who thought that Russia’s economic plan the former USSR in twenty in nineteen seventy two was brilliant before it went and destroyed the country. This is what the left is going to try to keep.

They’re going to be lying, deceiving. They’re going to while the party political party tries to keep calmly hidden. And the one thing they’re trying to really put run on is abortion. Trump has already said that it’s the abortion is a state issue, as ruled down by the Supreme Court, and states decide no, it’s Trump.

So I think the polling is going to shift back to Trump. And I think that the left is going to be trying to get as many the illegal aliens registered to vote and hoping they can sneak them through Alabama because of the way that the federal government is registering people to vote, and how some states are allowing people illegal aliens to get drivers licenses and ideas their Secretary of States had to go and remove over three thousand illegal aliens from the older roles in Alabama. How many people in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, all the swing states. How many of the aliens are registered to vote and will vote on November fifth.

That is the concern in another dagger for the left, Robert F. Kennedy Junior, who it’s pretty much been understood that he is going to siphon more votes away from Trump than he would for Harris, just like what Ross pro did with George Herbert Walker Bush, which is why we had Bill Clinton as president. According to Robert F. Kennedy Junior’s running mates, they’re considering dropping out and endorsing Donald Trump.

This would be outside of excessive voter fraud. I think this would be the final dagger in the left chance to try to prevent Trump from getting a second term. Article here over on Gayway Pundit. I’m also going to write an article about this over on Eric Thompson dot info and Maggo tv dot com says breaking.

Robert F. Kennedy Junior’s running mate says they’re considering dropping out and endorsing Trump. DNC planted insiders in her campaign are reporting this. Nicole Shannanhan told the Impact Theory platform that they’re considering dropping out of the race.

Here she is out of her own mouth when asked about how they’re going to proceed as a campaign. You know, there’s two options that we’re looking at, and one is staying in forming that new party. But we run the risk of a Kamala Harris, Kamala Harrison and Walt’s presidency because we draw votes from Trump, or we draw somehow more votes from Trump, or we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump. And you know, we walk away from that, and we explain to our base why we’re making this decision.

So even though North Carolina today a judge said you can stay on the ballot RFK Junior, the fact is they may be dropping out, and who knows, maybe they will join He will be put in some type of cabinet position with President Trump. But that’s kind of big news here. On Tuesday the twentieth, JFK Jr. Robert F.

Kennedy Junior may be dropping out and endorsing President Trump. Another article I found interesting was Tim Walls, you know, Kamala’s Marxist running mate. He is he is like Joe because he can’t not he cannot stop lying. He just cannot stop lying.

He was being interviewed and on MSNBC and see and for out of his own mouth, he said well, thank god for the i f vs, the in retro fertilizations help people get prayed. Thank goodness for those. You know why he said. He said during an interview that, uh, I’m glad.

I’m glad that they’re available because you know Trump and he’s employed. The implication was from the interview was that the wicked Republicans would would not let IVS be available. He said, well, thank god for him, because my wife and I have two children. Well, the problem is, according to the CNN of New York Times report and his wife confirmed this, they didn’t use i fvs to conceive their children.

Here here it is out of his own lying mouth. Today’s IVF day. Thank God from IVF. My wife and I have two beautiful children.

He thinks he needs to dictate that. And I’ve been saying this. The golden rule that makes small towns work so we’re not at each other’s throats all the time in a little town is mind your own damn business. I don’t need him to tell me about my family.

I don’t need to tell him my wife’s healthcare and her reproductive rights. I don’t need him telling my children what books they can read. He’s fired to do that with whatever he wants, but I’m not interested in it, and I think rural America is. They are angry.

So this is a guy that lied about being an E nine in the military when he was only an E nine and when he was getting ready to go over to fight for our country in combat, but he decided to bail at the last second, so they put him back down to his E eight. But he’s he ran for office bragging about being a sergeant major of his unit when he actually wasn’t because he didn’t actually go to war. But then he lied about we need to get rid of some of these guns AR fifteen’s and stuff because in other weapons they consider to be military grade because you know, he used them in combat and there’s a really you know, they’re not necessary for day to day living. Well, he actually didn’t go to war and he didn’t thus fire a weapon and combat.

So now he’s lying about I f vs because they didn’t use it to get pregnant. And New York Times called him out, So he says here in New York Times reports of Waltz for the governor, UH sent out a fundraising mailer when he was re running for when he’s running for governor in April that said, my wife and I used if E to start a family. Hmm. But New York Times reports several media outlets, including New York Times, Associated Press and Minnesota Star Tribune, reported the family also relied on vitro fertilization, but when asked if the Walls wanted to share more details, the Wall Harris Walls campaign recently clarified that the did not rely on i f V, but rather another common fertility procedure called intro intraturian insum nation.

I don’t know what that is. I UI. The treatments have a distinct. The treatments have a key distinction.

Unlike IVF, I UI doesn’t involve creating or discarding. In Burroughs, hmm. He can’t stop lying, and JD. Evance called him out on it.

So what do we have here? So Day two, Democrat National Convention, trying to again run interference. Try to blame everything I heard. I heard some stats over one hundred times on day one did the speaker’s criticize President Trump by name. But when it came to policies such as the economy, immigration, crime, six references, four references to references.

So this this week is going to be about attacking Donald Trump because Kamala, as they’re trying to hide her and public and create a new fallse persona about her, are going to have to hope that the people will hate Donald Trump more than they hate illegal immigration, that they’re gonna hate Donald Trump more than they’re gonna hate the out of control crime in our cities, the tens of thousands of people dying of fentanyl, they’re out of control inflation, real estate costs, they’re they’re, they’re gonna they they’re. The hope for the left is you can get enough of legal aliens to vote and not get caught to do illegal ballot harvesting and try to cram through and bribe people into turning in their votes while constantly tearing down Trump and lying to people about who Kamala, the Marxist raised, radical opportunist does. She in reality is a joyful person who should break the glass ceiling and be the first woman president. So there you go, guys, give me a favor.

Make sure you’re looking at Charlie Kirk’s website, turning point action, downloading the app, helping making sure everyone in your family is ready to vote, because It’s going to come down to we the people against the left’s fraud, election integrity issues and a deceptive persona. We can’t let this radical Marxist communist get in office with the lying vice president, or our nation will be unrecognizable. Thank you so much for listening. We’ll talk to you soon.

Take care,.

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