Eric Thompson

‘Gender-affirming care’ Mutilations are One of the BIGGEST Medical Scandals in Human History

In a society that increasingly prioritizes personal autonomy, the concept of “gender-affirming care” has become a battleground of ideology, with some conservative voices raising alarms about what they view as irreversible and life-altering procedures being performed on minors. Among these voices is Maria Keffler, co-founder of Partners for Ethical Care and author of “Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult,” who recently appeared on Glenn Beck’s radio show to discuss her concerns about the practices endorsed by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

Keffler’s assertions are stark and provocative. She claims that under WPATH’s guidelines, medical professionals are not only endorsing but actively facilitating what she describes as “mutilations” in the name of gender affirmation. According to Keffler, these procedures can include creating second sets of genitals—a statement that is likely to resonate deeply with conservative audiences already skeptical of progressive approaches to gender identity.

Eric Thompson Show

The gravity of Keffler’s allegations cannot be overstated. She paints a picture of an organization—WPATH—that wields significant influence over the standards of care for transgender individuals worldwide. The guidelines set forth by WPATH are often referenced by clinicians and have been instrumental in shaping public policy and insurance coverage related to transgender healthcare.

During her conversation with Beck, Keffler highlighted specific aspects of WPATH’s approach that she finds particularly troubling. She pointed out that under their standards, there is no minimum age requirement for cross-sex hormones—a treatment step that can lead to permanent changes in an individual’s body. This lack of age restriction raises ethical questions about consent and the long-term impact on young people who may later regret their decisions.

Keffler also took issue with what she perceives as a lack of rigorous psychological evaluation before patients undergo gender transition procedures. She argues that WPATH promotes an “affirmation-only” model which bypasses traditional mental health assessments in favor of immediately affirming a patient’s self-declared gender identity and proceeding with medical interventions.

The implications here are profound: if Keffler’s assertions hold true, it suggests a healthcare paradigm shift where standard psychological safeguards are being circumvented in favor of an ideology-driven approach to treatment—one that may not adequately consider the complexities and potential detriments associated with such life-changing decisions.

Adding fuel to this firestorm is Keffler’s claim regarding surgeries performed on minors. She alleges that girls as young as 13 have undergone mastectomies and boys have been subjected to orchiectomies (the removal of testicles) without sufficient exploration into alternative treatments or counseling options. These statements echo a broader conservative concern about protecting children from what they see as premature or ideologically driven medical interventions.

Critics like Keffler argue that such practices could lead to significant regret later in life when individuals may feel they were too young to make informed decisions about their bodies—a phenomenon known as “detransitioning.” Detransitioners’ experiences often serve as cautionary tales cited by those opposed to early medical transitions, suggesting that some individuals come to realize their gender dysphoria was temporary or misdiagnosed.

The debate around WPATH’s standards extends beyond individual cases; it touches upon fundamental questions about parental rights, state intervention in family matters, and the role doctors should play in shaping a child’s identity. For conservatives who value traditional family structures and caution against government overreach into personal lives, these issues strike at the core principles they hold dear.

Moreover, there is concern among conservatives regarding how these practices align with biological realities—an area where many feel progressive ideologies tend toward denialism or outright rejection. The argument posits that affirming someone’s self-identified gender without critical evaluation undermines biological truths and could potentially harm those it aims to help by ignoring underlying psychological or developmental issues.

As this contentious debate rages on within political arenas, medical communities, and social discourse at large, one thing remains clear: The conversation around gender-affirming care is far from settled. With passionate advocates like Maria Keffler bringing their perspectives into national dialogues through platforms like Glenn Beck’s show, we can expect continued scrutiny over WPATH’s guidelines and their real-world implications for both individuals undergoing transition-related procedures and society at large.

While proponents argue these measures are necessary for supporting transgender individuals’ rights to self-identification and well-being, critics maintain a stance rooted in caution—advocating for more stringent evaluations before irreversible actions are taken on developing bodies.

As we delve deeper into this complex issue fraught with ethical dilemmas and clashing worldviews, it becomes evident that each side holds its beliefs firmly grounded in fundamentally different understandings of human nature and societal good. What remains crucial—and perhaps challenging—is maintaining open dialogue where diverse opinions can be expressed without fear amidst rapidly evolving cultural norms surrounding gender identity.


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