Eric Thompson

German Train System Turning Into ‘Battleground’ Thanks to Male Migrants

Germany’s railway system is reportedly on the brink of becoming a “battleground,” as described by the German Train Drivers’ Union (GDL). The union has raised alarms over an increase in violent incidents on trains and at stations, predominantly involving male migrants. This development not only underscores the challenges of integrating newcomers into European societies but also highlights the potential risks to public order and safety.

In an interview with Focus Online, Steffi Recknagel, the head of the Railway and Transport Union (EVG) in Thuringia, says that the average day is “sometimes life-threatening” for employees due to the sheer amount of abuse being dished out by migrants.

“I have an average of three employees sitting in my Erfurt office every week for legal advice. They were attacked, spat on, insulted, threatened or pushed,” said Recknagel, adding that female employees are being slapped, kicked, spat at and threatened with being stabbed by the ‘refugees’.

“The worst case was that a train attendant was threatened with a knife,” said Recknagel, adding that another was physically attacked from behind and “the air was knocked out of her.”

The union boss said that one stretch of the network was particularly bad, specifically the one frequented by Syrian, Afghan, and Turkish migrants from the local asylum center.

“I drive the Erfurt-Suhl route every day,” said Recknagel. “And unfortunately, I have to say it like this: It is mostly young men from the initial reception center who misbehave completely on our trains. They always travel in groups and feel strong together.”

⁣Migrants in Germany film themselves attacking a local kid Video:

The GDL has been vocal about its concerns, with its head, Claus Weselsky, stating that “the open borders in Europe have led to Germany’s railway becoming a hotspot for refugees.” He further emphasized that “we are experiencing a level of aggression that we haven’t seen before,” pointing to a surge in confrontations between passengers and staff. These incidents often involve individuals who are neither ticket holders nor willing to comply with basic rules of conduct aboard trains.

This situation is particularly troubling given Germany’s role as a leading destination for migrants since 2015 when Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the country’s doors to hundreds of thousands seeking refuge from war-torn regions. While many have praised Merkel’s humanitarian stance, critics argue that her decision has had unintended consequences for national security and social cohesion.

The statistics provided by GDL paint a grim picture: there were 2,705 attacks on Deutsche Bahn personnel in 2020 alone. This represents an alarming trend when considering the broader context of migrant-related crime in Germany. For instance, according to Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) data from previous years, there has been a disproportionate representation of immigrants among suspects in crimes such as pickpocketing and physical assault.

Moreover, these developments have reignited debates over immigration policy and law enforcement effectiveness. Conservatives argue that lenient policies towards illegal immigration have compromised public safety. They advocate for stricter border controls and more rigorous vetting processes for asylum seekers to prevent individuals with criminal tendencies from entering the country.

The issue extends beyond mere statistics; it touches upon fundamental questions about cultural integration and respect for law and order. Some conservative commentators suggest that many migrants come from societies with vastly different norms and legal systems, which may contribute to clashes in expectations and behavior when they arrive in Western countries like Germany.

In response to this escalating problem, Weselsky has called for decisive action: “We need more police on trains.” He insists that without adequate security measures, staff members are left vulnerable to aggression from those who flout regulations. The union’s plea resonates with conservative calls for bolstered law enforcement presence as a deterrent against crime.

It is important to note that while these issues are being highlighted by the GDL within the context of Germany’s railways, they reflect broader societal concerns across Europe where similar patterns have emerged. Countries like Sweden and France have also grappled with integrating large numbers of migrants amidst reports of increased crime rates in certain areas heavily populated by newcomers.

Critics argue that media coverage often downplays or ignores the connection between migrant influxes and rising crime rates due to political correctness or fear of being labeled xenophobic. However, conservatives maintain that acknowledging these trends is crucial for developing effective policies aimed at protecting citizens’ safety while ensuring lawful immigrants can integrate successfully into their new communities.

As this debate continues unabated within political circles and among the general populace, it becomes clear that solutions must be multifaceted. They must address not only immediate security concerns but also long-term strategies for integration that respect both the rights of migrants seeking better lives and those of residents expecting safety within their own country.

The situation faced by Deutsche Bahn employees serves as a microcosm reflecting larger issues at play within German society—and indeed across much of Europe—as it navigates complex questions surrounding migration policy against a backdrop of cultural diversity and social change.

While no easy answers exist, what remains evident is an urgent need for dialogue grounded in reality rather than ideology—a conversation informed by facts rather than obscured by political agendas. As Germany continues down this challenging path, how it manages this delicate balance will likely serve as both an example and cautionary tale for other nations wrestling with similar dilemmas.


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