Eric Thompson

Help Save MyPillow. Mike Lindell’s Company Has Been Formally Evicted From Minnesota Warehouse

For anyone who appreciates Mike Lindell’s tenacity in business and who objects the onslaught of legal actions in his efforts to unearth election fraud in the 2016 presidential election, now would be a great time to financially support the MyPillow CEO.

MyPillow, the company owned by outspoken conservative figure Mike Lindell, has faced another setback as it was formally evicted from its Minnesota warehouse. This development comes amidst a backdrop of controversy surrounding Lindell’s staunch support of former President Donald Trump and his promotion of baseless claims of election fraud.

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Eric Thompson Show Podcast

The eviction of MyPillow from its Minnesota warehouse was confirmed in a report by the Associated Press, which highlighted the ongoing legal battles between Lindell and the building’s owner over unpaid rent. According to the report, Lindell had been given multiple notices to vacate the premises due to failure to pay rent dating back several months.

In response to the eviction, Lindell expressed his frustration with the situation, stating that he believed it was politically motivated. As reported by Newsweek, Lindell claimed that “they’re doing this because I’m a vocal supporter of our great President,” referring to Trump.

Despite these claims, legal experts have pointed out that the eviction appears to be a straightforward case of non-payment of rent rather than political persecution. Landlord attorney Michael Cockson stated in the AP report that “this is a simple landlord-tenant dispute.”


This latest incident adds to a series of controversies that have surrounded Mike Lindell and MyPillow in recent months. In addition to his continued promotion of election fraud conspiracy theories, Lindell has also faced backlash for his participation in events such as the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and his staunch support for Trump.

Critics have accused Lindell of using his platform at MyPillow to spread misinformation and further divide an already polarized political landscape. However, supporters argue that he is exercising his right to free speech and standing up for what he believes in.

In light of these developments, it remains to be seen how MyPillow will navigate this latest challenge and whether Mike Lindell will continue to be at the center of controversy. Despite facing eviction from its Minnesota warehouse, MyPillow continues to operate online and through other distribution channels.

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Speaking to conservative pro-Trump YouTube channel Right Side Broadcasting at the conference in Orlando, Lindell discussed the backlash he has received in the past due to his support of Trump, as well as before and after November’s election.

“Now is something I’ve never seen before in history,” Lindell told Right Side Broadcasting host Liz Willis. “I mean, over 20 retailers have dropped MyPillow.”

A number of stores have announced that they have pulled MyPillow items for sale in recent weeks. However, retailers such as Bed Bath & Beyond said this was due to lack of demand, rather than a direct result of Lindell’s actions.

Lindell also claimed that Google isn’t allowing him to “buy my own name” for his website, as well as attacking the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

For conservatives who support Mike Lindell and MyPillow, this eviction may be viewed as yet another example of perceived censorship and discrimination against those who hold differing political views. On the other hand, critics may see it as a consequence of failing to adhere to basic business practices such as paying rent on time.

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As this saga unfolds, one thing remains clear: Mike Lindell and MyPillow are unlikely to fade quietly into obscurity. With their outspoken views and loyal following, they are likely to remain prominent figures in both conservative circles and public discourse for some time to come.

In conclusion, while the eviction from their Minnesota warehouse represents a significant setback for MyPillow, it is unlikely to dampen the passion or resolve of Mike Lindell in continuing to promote his beliefs and products. The future remains uncertain for MyPillow, but one thing is certain – this is not the last we will hear from Mike Lindell or his controversial company.

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