Illegal Aliens Are Still Voting in Our Elections

Source: Jul 10, 2024 

Having laws on the books does not guarantee their compliance.

Take a state speed limit. Posting a sign saying it’s 65 mph does not guarantee drivers will adhere to that speed. In fact, most of them won’t.

We see the same type of situation when it comes to people residing in the United States who are not citizens but continue to vote in American elections.

The mainstream media and political left have declared that alien voting cannot possibly occur because there are laws that make it illegal. These groups scoff at proposed legislation from Rep. Chip Roy, Texas Republican, requiring all 50 states to ask voters to present proof of citizenship.

Yet there is ample evidence, despite similar laws already being on the books—such as the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, which prohibited aliens from voting in federal elections—that aliens have registered and voted in past elections.

Key Takeaways

In Virginia more than 11,000 aliens were initially listed on the state’s voter roll within the past decade.

Having a bad public official elected to office because of the alien vote can have lasting and likely negative impacts on American communities. 

Inaction is not an option. Our constitutional republic requires compliance, enforcement and integrity in its electoral processes.

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