Eric Thompson

Joy Reid Caught On Hot Mic: (Biden) “Starting Another F***ing War”

During Monday night’s show of the Reid Out, MSNBC host Joy Reid apologized to viewers after a hot mic caught her profane off-camera comment on Joe Biden. Reid was heard saying after introducing a clip of Biden talking about the border dispute with Congress, “Starting another f***ing war!”

It happened while Reid was trying to blame Republicans for the border crisis when she played a video of Biden saying he would shut the border down.

“Congressional Republicans love to latch on to President Biden and Democrats’ successful policies and take credit for things they didn’t do, while tying themselves into pretzels to do nothing for the American people for the sake of Donald Trump,” Reid began. “Case in point, fixing what they say is a crisis at the border with congressional negotiators continuing work on a bipartisan deal to tie border policy changes to funding for Ukraine. Over the weekend, President Biden said he’s ready to take action if Congress is serious about solving the border issue.”


The outspoken progressive was most likely reacting to the news that Biden is considering retaliatory strikes in the Middle East after Sunday’s unprovoked drone attack on U.S. troops at a base in Jordan that killed three Army reservists from Georgia and wounded several dozen soldiers.

Reid eventually apologized for the profanity, but not her overt disapproval of Biden’s actions:

“I just want to apologize very quickly. Uh, I was chatting during a clip that was playing um, and you know we try to keep this show very PG-13. So I just want to apologize to anyone who was listening to my behind the scenes chatter. Uh, wee deeply, deeply apologize for that, cuz you know it’s PG-13 around here.”

Eric Thompson Show Podcast

This isn’t the first time the outspoken leftist has been called out for comments.

In reaction to former President Donald J. Trump trouncing the competition in the 2024 Iowa causes, ⁣Joy Reid appeared very upset, blaming the results on white Christians.

“Iowa is a hyper-Evangelical white state…They see themselves as the rightful inheritors of this country, and Donald Trump has promised to give it back to them.”

In 2018, Mediaite reported that Reid deflected accusations that she posted homophobia, gay jokes, and the blatant mocking of gay people and homosexuality blogs on her website, The Reid Report .

Reid apologized in December for writing homophobic content on the blog she ran long before her days as a leader in the #Resistance movement,

Reid repeatedly mocked then-Florida Governor Charlie Crist as a closeted gay man who she nicknamed “Miss Charlie.”

“Now that he’s married to a girl,” she wrote in one such post, “Charlie Crist is being sought out for all KINDS of good stuff… [The GOP] are wooing Miss Charlie to run.”

In a statement provided to Mediaite, Reid apologized and said, “At no time have I intentionally sought to demean or harm the LGBT community, which includes people whom I deeply love. My goal, in my ham-handed way, was to call out potential hypocrisy.”

But she claims her later posts of her opposing gay marriage and cringing “at the sight of two men kissing” were part of a “fabricated” outside effort to paint her as “offensive and hateful.”

In her statement to Mediaite, the current MSNBC host claims these posts from The Reid Report  were somehow put in by an “external party” that “manipulated material from my now-defunct blog.”

They were originally shared by Jamie_Mazon Twitter, who found them using the Wayback Machine — an Internet archiving service that takes periodic screenshots of popular web pages to preserve them.


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