Eric Thompson

Legal Expert Alan Dershowitz Blasts Judge’s ‘Outrageous’ Conduct in Trump Proceedings

Esteemed legal scholar Alan Dershowitz has lambasted Judge Juan Merchan’s rulings as “outrageous,” going so far as to label him a “tyrant.” Such strong condemnation from a figure of Dershowitz’s caliber underscores the gravity of concerns regarding judicial overreach and bias.

Dershowitz, who is no stranger to high-profile legal battles, expressed his astonishment at the proceedings. “I have never seen a spectacle like this,” he remarked during an appearance on Fox News. His critique centered on what he perceives as an unprecedented level of judicial activism, which could potentially undermine the bedrock principles of American jurisprudence.

In his recent New York Post article Dershowitz stated “I have observed and participated in trials throughout the world. I have seen justice and injustice in China, Russia, Ukraine, England, France, Italy, Israel, as well as in nearly 40 of our 50 states.

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But in my 60 years as a lawyer and law professor, I have never seen a spectacle such as the one I observed sitting in the front row of the courthouse yesterday.

The judge in Donald Trump’s trial was an absolute tyrant, though he appeared to the jury to be a benevolent despot. He seemed automatically to be ruling against the defendant at every turn”.

Alan Dershowitz was allowed to stay in the courtroom during former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial while Judge Juan Merchan scolded witness Robert Costello.

He went on “Many experienced lawyers raised their eyebrows when the judge excluded obviously relevant evidence when offered by the defense, while including irrelevant evidence offered by the prosecution.

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But when the defense’s only substantive witness, the experienced attorney Robert Costello, raised his eyebrows at one of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan’s rulings, the court went berserk. Losing his cool and showing his thin skin, the judge cleared the courtroom of everyone including the media”.

“For some reason, I was allowed to stay, and I observed one of the most remarkable wrong-headed biases I have ever seen. The judge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimony if he raised his eyebrows again. That of course would have been unconstitutional because it would have denied the defendant his Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses and to raise a defense”.

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The case in question involves former President Donald Trump and allegations surrounding hush money payments. The spotlight has turned not only on the defendant but also on those who wield the gavel. Judge Merchan’s decisions throughout this trial have been contentious, with critics arguing that they may tilt the scales of justice.

The cumulative effect of these rulings paints a picture that many conservatives find troubling: a judiciary seemingly unmoored from its foundational precepts, veering towards what some might call judicial activism or overreach.

It is precisely this kind of scenario that conservative thinkers warn against—a system where individual judges assume roles beyond their remit, potentially impacting not just individual cases but also public trust in our courts.


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