Eric Thompson

NY Governor Apologizes For Claiming Black People Don’t Know What A Computer Is

In a striking display of insensitivity, New York Governor Kathy Hochul found herself in the throes of controversy after making a comment that many perceived as racially insensitive. The remark, which suggested that Black children are unfamiliar with the concept of computers, has sparked outrage and necessitated a public apology from the governor. This incident underscores the ongoing challenges and missteps in political discourse regarding race and technology access.

Governor Hochul’s comments came during a speech where she addressed the digital divide, stating, “I don’t know if you’ve ever been on a bus with 13-year-old Black kids from the Bronx, but they’re not playing on their computer games because they don’t have them.” The implications of her statement were met with immediate backlash as it seemed to perpetuate stereotypes about Black communities and their access to technology.

The governor’s apology was swift but did little to quell the frustration felt by many. “I apologize for my remarks,” Hochul said. “They were not sensitive and I’m sorry for anyone who was hurt by them.” Despite her contrition, questions linger about the underlying assumptions that led to such a gaffe.


This incident is particularly jarring given New York’s diverse population and the expectation that its leaders would be more attuned to issues of racial ‘equity’. It also brings into sharp relief the digital divide that persists in America—a divide that disproportionately affects minority communities. According to Pew Research Center data cited by Governor Hochul herself, 30% of Black households lack broadband access compared to 20% of white households.

The governor’s misstep is emblematic of broader systemic issues at play. It is not merely about an ill-advised comment; it reflects deeper societal disparities that affect educational opportunities for minority children. The digital divide is real and has tangible consequences for those on its wrong side—consequences like hindered educational growth and limited job prospects in an increasingly digital world.

Moreover, Governor Hochul’s remarks can be seen as indicative of a pattern where politicians—often inadvertently—reveal biases or misunderstandings about communities they serve. Such incidents can erode trust between elected officials and their constituents, particularly when those constituents belong to marginalized groups.

In response to this faux pas, some have called for more than just an apology; they seek action and policies aimed at bridging this technological chasm. Critics argue that apologies are only as good as the corrective measures they inspire. They demand concrete steps towards ensuring equitable access to technology for all New Yorkers.

The conversation around this issue is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, there is recognition of the need for improved infrastructure and resources to combat inequities in tech accessibility. On the other hand, there are concerns about how these narratives are framed by those in power—how easily a single narrative can overshadow diverse experiences within Black communities.

As conservatives often emphasize personal responsibility alongside government intervention, this situation presents an opportunity for conservative leaders to advocate for solutions that empower individuals while also addressing systemic barriers. Initiatives could include investing in community-based tech education programs or incentivizing private sector partnerships aimed at increasing tech accessibility in underserved areas.

It’s important to note that while Governor Hochul’s comments were certainly ill-received, they do open up dialogue on critical issues facing our society today—the digital divide being one among many where race intersects with policy outcomes.

The fallout from Governor Hochul’s comments serves as a reminder of how quickly public sentiment can turn against politicians who fail to speak thoughtfully about sensitive issues like race and inequality. It also highlights how vital it is for public figures to understand fully—and articulate clearly—the complexities surrounding these topics before making broad generalizations.

As we continue navigating these discussions around race, technology access, and political accountability, it becomes clear that words matter deeply—and so do actions following those words. While apologies may be necessary first steps toward reconciliation after such blunders occur within our political landscape, they must be accompanied by genuine efforts toward progress if trust is ever to be restored among those wronged by careless rhetoric.


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