Eric Thompson

Shocking – Some Gen Z Job Seekers Are Bringing Mom and Dad To The Interviews

According to a new poll, Gen Z professionals have developed a reputation for being difficult to work with.

In December, Intelligent, an online magazine focused on student life, commissioned a Pollfish survey of 800 managers, directors, and executives involved in hiring in the USA.

Nearly two-thirds of employers said it was “very true” or “somewhat true” that recent college grads are “entitled,” while 58 said it was very or somewhat true that they “get offended too easily.”

Over half of the employers said young recruits struggled to make eye contact during the interview, and 50% said they asked for unreasonable compensation. Almost half of the employers said a young job candidate showed up in inappropriate attire, and nearly 20% said a recent college grad had brought a parent to job interviews.

In addition, Thirty-nine percent of the employers who responded said they prefer to hire older job seekers over recent college graduates, partly because young professionals don’t make a good first impression in job interviews.

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