Eric Thompson

Texas Fights Back – Now Arresting And Charging Illegals In Defiance Of Biden Edict

Texas has enacted a law that will make border crossings illegal and punishable with jail time, one of the toughest immigration laws passed by any US state in modern times.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the bill earlier last month known as SB4, granting state and local law enforcement officials the power to arrest, jail, and prosecute illegal migrants.

Moreover, it allows judges to issue de facto deportation orders, thus allowing the state to send back the invaders the Regime has happily allowed in.

Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, said it would “stop the tidal wave of illegal entry into Texas”.

The Department of “Justice” then told Texas in a letter they would sue if the state dared to implement SB4.

Texas publicly rejected the administration authority to prevent them from taking steps to protect the citizens of the Lone Star state.

CNN reported, Texas authorities arrested illegals at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas.

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They were charged with criminal trespassing, marking the first arrests of illegal aliens since the state took control of the area at the US-Mexico border last week.

Lt. Chris Olivarez at the Texas Department of Public Safety announced the arrests on his X account and showed the invaders being detained by authorities. The illegals arrested consist of single adult males and females.

It comes amid rising illegal migration and public concern over US President Joe Biden’s handling of the border.

In a recent poll only 32 percent of Americans said in the new CBS News poll released Sunday that they approved of Biden’s handling of the border — a number that CBS notes is the all-time low for the president on this question. Overall, 68 percent in the new poll disapprove of how Biden is handling the border.

This measure has received heavy criticism from Democratic lawmakers and Mexico’s government, and it was a near certainty that it would face legal challenges from immigration advocates.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas and Texas Civil Rights Project filed a lawsuit against the state on behalf of El Paso County and two immigrants rights organizations that operate in Texas the day after the law was signed by Governor Abbott.

Punishments range from misdemeanors to felonies that can lead to jail time or fines of up to $2,000.

In addition,  judges can also order that those arrested be sent back across the border into Mexico.

Penalties for illegal re-entry could go up to 20 years in jail, depending on a migrant’s immigration and criminal history.

Crossing the border illegally is already a federal crime, but violations are currently handled as civil cases by the immigration court system.

The main debates over the law is whether state governments can create such measures.

US  courts have previously ruled that only the federal government can enforce immigration laws.

States like Texas are arguing that with the massive number of illegal streaming across the US border, a national emergency, and the Biden administration refusing to take steps to secure the border, the conservative majority on the SCOTUS could all them to intervene.

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