Eric Thompson

The Bible Calls Christians To Vote

In a time when the moral compass of our nation seems to be spinning out of control, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Democratic Party has shifted away from the Christian values that once were a cornerstone of American life. Instead, there’s a growing embrace of secularism and ideologies that stand in stark contrast to the teachings of Christianity. This isn’t just about politics; it’s about the soul of our nation.

The evidence is mounting: from policies that undermine the sanctity of life to educational curriculums that seem to push an anti-Christian narrative, Christians are finding themselves sidelined. The Democratic Party, which once courted the Christian vote, now appears to be courting a different demographic altogether—one that favors secularism and what some might call ‘pagan’ values over traditional Christian principles.

Billy Graham, a towering figure in American evangelicalism, once said, “We are the Bibles the world is reading; we are the creeds the world is needing; we are the sermons the world is heeding.” These words ring truer than ever as Christians face an environment where their beliefs are not just ignored but often ridiculed. It begs the question: Is Jesus really Lord of our lives when it comes to our civic duties?

RC Sproul also weighed in on such matters with profound clarity: “We must make these critically important decisions on who we vote in as our elected representatives with the mind of Christ and submitting our decisions to His Lordship.” This statement challenges Christians to reflect deeply on their voting habits. Do we leave Him at the 100-foot marker and walk into the polling place without even considering the principles in His Word?

The statistics regarding Biblical literacy among American Christians are alarming. When only 3% have read their Bibles all through and merely 9% engage with Scripture outside church services, there’s a glaring issue at hand. How can one vote according to Biblical values if one does not know what those values are? The first step is clear: Let’s start by reading it!

Then there’s voting itself—voting our Biblical values in every election should be paramount for any believer. Connecting cultural issues with wisdom from God’s Word isn’t optional; it’s essential. As I’ve previously stated regarding LIFE as a foundational issue: while we shouldn’t be single-issue voters per se, there exists a clear moral imperative for Christians—a priority must be set.

Consider this: Are we going to vote for candidates who will protect unborn lives? Will we choose leaders who safeguard children from indoctrination? And what about those who govern with transparency and integrity? To discern whom to support requires effort—research cannot be neglected.

Our responsibility doesn’t end at being informed voters; it extends into being salt and light within our communities. We must value what was given by America’s founders—the right to vote—and use this sacred trust seeking God’s discernment and wisdom throughout.

President John Quincy Adams encapsulated this sentiment perfectly: “Duty is ours, results are God’s.” Our job is not merely casting votes but bringing Jesus into that ballot box with us and voting according to Biblical principles.

Scripture reminds us of our divine mandate—Genesis 1:26-28 speaks of humanity created in God’s image, called to have dominion over creation. Revelation 5:8-10 echoes this calling by depicting believers as kings and priests unto God who shall reign on earth.

This isn’t just about fulfilling religious obligations; it’s about stewardship over what has been entrusted to us—our nation. The United States of America deserves conscientious citizens who take their civic duties seriously enough to let their faith inform their choices at every turn.

So let us ask ourselves again—are we part of the answer or part of the problem? How do we communicate this urgency effectively amidst a flood of competing voices?

The keys lie within shifting not only personal perspectives but also influencing broader societal norms—at least within governmental realms—to align more closely with Christian doctrine.

As believers entrusted with such an influential role within society, taking responsibility means more than just showing up—it means showing up equipped with knowledge both spiritual and civic.

The Gospel Coalition wrote:

Should Christians living in a democratic society vote? To answer in the positive presumes another positive answer to a prior question: Should Christians, as citizens, engage in politics at all? This latter question is loaded, as “politics” carries with it an understandably negative connotation. I’m reminded of the jokester who defined politics as the venue of “poly-ticks”: many blood-sucking insects.

Yet politics need not be so understood. Aristotle defined the root word for politics, the polis, as a community defined by its common understanding of and commitment to the good life. Augustine tells us that we can identify the character of a people by determining what they love. Surely Christians have a conception of the good life (Micah 6:8), and Scripture tells us our vision of the good life should be characterized by love for God and neighbor (Matt. 5:16Matt. 22: 37-38, John 13:35).

Jesus himself seems to indicate a legitimate role for government insofar as we should give to Caesar his due and pay taxes (Mark 12:17). And the apostle Paul was the first Christian political thinker and activist, advising believers to get along with everyone as much as possible (Rom. 12:18), while also using his Roman citizenship to procure a better platform from which to declare the gospel (Acts 22-26).

It’s time for Christians across America not only to reclaim their voice but also ensure that voice echoes through halls of power via votes cast under divine guidance—a call for action rooted deeply in faithfulness towards both God’s Word and His sovereign will over nations.

Let us then approach each election cycle not as passive observers but as active participants wielding influence through informed choices reflecting Christ-like discernment—a clarion call for believers everywhere:


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