Eric Thompson

Biden Admin Unintentionally Confirms No Real Evidence To Support ‘Gender Affirming Care’ For Minors

In response to a Freedom of Information Act Request, HHS produced a grand total of just one document.

When he was nominated to be the Assistant Secretary for Health three years ago, Richard Levine (who, in his 50s, began using the name Rachel Levine) was asked a series of questions by Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky.

Paul wanted to know why Levine, as a medical professional, wouldn’t reject the idea of mutilating the genitals of minors in the name of “gender affirming care.”

Here’s the conversation:

That’s just a portion of the whole exchange. In the full clip, Levine evades the question multiple times. He just repeats the same rehearsed answer: He says that he’s more than happy to stop by Paul’s office at some later date to explain the “complex” science behind mutilating children. They go back and forth until Paul finally has to give up.

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