Eric Thompson

The New World Order Worried About A Trump Second-Term

While the average American works hard, plays to win and loves liberty, there are hundreds of powerful globalists working systematically to strip the US of wealth and influence.

One of their most effective attacks on the US is the funding and coordination of NGOs to flood our nation with millions of illegal aliens knowing the Biden administration has opened the door for them to come in.

Unlike previous efforts by this rich and powerful society to hide their efforts in orchestrating the implementation of a New World Order, their leaders have recently become more vocal in calling for a rejection of nationalism, aka “national isolation’.

One of the organization’s biggest concerns has been former President Trump who has remained on the group’s radar for his anti-globalism comments and social media posts in open rejection of their agenda.

A few months before COVID-19 was released into the world, Trump started his Sep 24, 2019 speech before the United Nations General Assembly by pushing his “America First” agenda. He told the global body of world leaders “The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots.”

Awareness of the workings of the main driver of the push for one government, the World Economic Forum (WEF), increased following the release of the organization’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda during COVID-19.

The WEF was started in 1971 by Claus Schwab in Davos Switzerland.

The organization’s YouTube channel states; “The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020”

At this year’s World Economic Forum meeting, the possibility of President Donald J. Trump’s second term has them speaking out in unison. They arrogantly have set this year’s agenda of how they can; Secure an Insecure World | Davos 2024

This annual meeting includes officials from over 100 governments, all major international organizations, 1000 Forum’s Partners, civil society leaders, experts, youth representatives, social entrepreneurs, and news outlets.

On Monday night, just as Trump was being crowned winner of the Republican Iowa caucus — pretty much locking up the GOP nomination – thousands of miles away in Davos, Switzerland power brokers were gathering for the opening event of this year’s event.

Every question I’ve gotten as I’ve walked up and down the [Davos] Promenade today is, ‘is he coming back?’,” Tim Adams, president of the Institute of International Finance, told CNBC Tuesday.

Liberals are not the only attendees, Republican  Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) appeared at the World Economic Forum on Tuesday, while ignoring calls to criminally prosecute Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Kemp’s Davos vacation suggests he prefers to socialize with global elites than combat corruption in his state of Georgia.

Kemp told Georgia state lawmakers his Davos trip is “a great opportunity for me to be out here to share Georgia’s success story with people from around the world. Because I believe they can certainly learn a thing or two from us.”

Some Davos participants are already preparing their business for a change at the White House.

“Considering what happened when President Trump was in office, his main interest is trade. So we have to expect trade issues will be very serious,” Takeshi Niinami, the CEO of the Japanese drinks maker Suntory, told CNBC Wednesday.

The prospect of a Donald Trump return to the White House in 2024 poses a “fundamental” challenge to Europe, the leader of the world’s largest investment company warned Tuesday.

The Daily Telegraph reports BlackRock vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand issued his caution from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

Hildebrand helps oversee more than $9 trillion of assets at investment giant Blackrock, the largest money manager in the world.

In doing so he added his voice to the swelling chorus from Europe that fears a Trump return to the world stage.

The senior Swiss banker said the re-election of the former U.S. president “would challenge Europe fundamentally” given Trump’s determination to embrace America First in matters from trade to diplomacy, NATO funding, and climate policy.

Hildebrand, a member of the firm’s Global Executive Committee, was responding to recent comments by Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), who said Trump 2.0 could be a real problem for Europe because his divergent views set him apart from the European mainstream, the report sets out.

“If we draw lessons from history, by which I mean to say how he (Trump) carried out the first four years of his mandate, it is clearly a threat,” Lagarde told France 2 TV.

“You just have to look at the trade tariffs, you just have to look at his commitment regarding NATO, you just have to look at his attitude regarding the battle against climate change,” she added.

For his part, Hildebrand urged Europe to seize the opportunity to transform itself into a technological superpower that was less dependent on America. He added Europe’s capabilities on defense were “just not there” and required a rethink. Hildebrand said:

“I see it as an opportunity for the construction of Europe.”

“Clearly, if [Trump’s election] were to lead to a rupture, which I think is what President Lagarde has in mind as a risk, then that would challenge Europe fundamentally.”

According to members of Trump’s circle, Europe is right to be scared.

One former senior Trump administration official, granted anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly, said that the Davos set was correct that Trump’s policy in a second term would impede their work.

Senator J.D. Vance, an Ohio Republican, author, and venture capitalist, also stressed this view. The global elite “should be afraid of him,” he said in an interview with POLITICO. “If Trump stands for anything, I think it’s the rejection of their ideology, of the material benefits that come from it.”

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In the same Politico article, they wrote:

“As some of the world’s most influential decision-makers — from politicians like French President Emmanuel Macron and China’s Li Qiang, to central bankers and corporate bigwigs like Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase and BlackRock’s Larry Fink — come together to do business and talk strategy this week, November’s election in the U.S. looms large over international relations.”

“Majda Ruge of the European Council of Foreign Relations said, “It’s not just what a Trump presidency will mean for foreign policy and trade.” An overhaul of the administrative state would “risk turning America into an illiberal democracy — that could redefine its relationship with the world.” 

“In particular, Trump’s lack of commitment to NATO is ringing alarm bells at a crucial moment in the war in Ukraine. Trump, who has said he would resolve the war in Ukraine “within 24 hours,” is likely to cut or drastically reduce military aid to Ukraine. Republicans in Congress have already been getting reticent about continuing to fund Kyiv’s war effort.” 

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