Eric Thompson

The Silence of the West: Beijing’s Campaign Against Forced Organ Harvesting Exposure

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically employed its influence to stifle discussions and prevent exposure of its heinous practice of forced organ harvesting in the West.

This form of state-sponsored repression not only violates fundamental human rights but also undermines the principles of free speech and open discourse in democratic societies.

China’s Darkest Atrocity: Harvesting Organs from Prisoners of Conscience

A detailed report by The Epoch Times reveals the sophisticated methods employed by the CCP to silence critics and suppress information. These tactics range from diplomatic pressure and economic coercion to cyber-attacks and harassment of activists and journalists. The CCP’s influence extends into academic institutions, international organizations, and even social media platforms, effectively creating a climate of fear and censorship.

(Illustration by The Epoch Times, Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times, Chung I Ho/The Epoch Times)

According to Epoch Times, human rights lawyer David Matas put himself on Beijing’s radar by investigating the regime’s systematic killing of prisoners of conscience for their organs, suspicious events began happening around him.

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Organizers who scheduled him to discuss the topic canceled at the last minute. Booked forum sites backed out with little explanation. A day before hosting him for a forum, one venue was the target of a drive-by shooting that left a bullet hole in the window.

During a separate live Q&A session, a man called in, identifying himself as a Chinese government police official.

“Are you afraid of death? You are brutally interfering in our Party’s internal policies,” the man said via an interpreter. “We’ll take revenge against you, are you not afraid of that?”

Mr. Matas remained steadfast. “If you don’t like what I said, try to stop organ transplant abuse in China and don’t threaten me,” he recalled saying.

More than trying to intimidate him, he said, Chinese authorities were acknowledging “they just want to insist on their position, even though they have nothing to say about it in their favor.”

A scene of Falun Gong practitioners performing a meditative exercise from the documentary “State Organs.” (Courtesy of Rooyee Films)

That was 2008, two years after the regime’s mass killing-for-profit scheme first came to light. It’s a billion-dollar industry driven by the promise of extremely short waiting times for domestic and international patients. The supply comes from the forceful removal of organs from unwilling prisoners.

By 2024, not much seems to have changed in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) other than a new veneer of subtlety.

Rather than clashing in the open, the regime now retreats more into the background, wielding its economic and diplomatic arm to muffle criticism while cajoling elites in the political and medical field to speak on its behalf. In some ways, it has succeeded. From political circles to entertainment and academia, a net of fear hangs over, frustrating those seeking to make headway in exposing the abuse.

David Matas, international human rights lawyer, before an event on forced organ harvesting at Harvard University in Boston on March 8, 2024. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times

Moreover, the CCP leverages its economic clout to coerce businesses and media outlets. Western corporations with substantial interests in the Chinese market frequently face an implicit ultimatum: avoid sensitive topics or risk losing access to the lucrative Chinese consumer base. This economic leverage extends to media conglomerates, where editorial policies are subtly influenced by the need to maintain favorable relations with Beijing.

The article from The Epoch Times underscores the extent of the CCP’s reach, highlighting instances where journalists and activists have been targeted. Cyber-attacks on websites that publish reports on forced organ harvesting are commonplace, aiming to disrupt the dissemination of information. Additionally, individuals who speak out against the CCP face harassment, both online and offline, ranging from threatening messages to more overt forms of intimidation.

(L–R) Congressional-Executive Commission on China chair Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), and Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Calif.) during a hearing about the Chinese Communist Party’s forced organ harvesting, in Washington on March 20, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

David Kilgour, a former Canadian Secretary of State and human rights advocate, has been vocal about these issues. He stated, “The CCP’s influence operations are extensive and insidious. They have successfully created an environment where even the mere mention of forced organ harvesting is taboo in many Western contexts.” His insights reflect the broader concerns about how pervasive and effective the CCP’s tactics have become.

The impact of this suppression is profound, not only stifling debate but also allowing the continuation of human rights abuses without sufficient international scrutiny or condemnation. Conservative commentators argue that this situation underscores the need for Western governments and institutions to adopt a firmer stance against CCP influence. There is a pressing call for legislative measures to counter foreign interference, protect academic freedom, and ensure that economic interests do not override fundamental ethical principles.

One potential avenue for action is the increased support for independent media and non-governmental organizations that investigate and report on human rights abuses. Ensuring these entities have the resources and protection needed to operate without fear of reprisal is crucial for maintaining a free and open discourse.

Another critical area is the reinforcement of academic independence. Universities and research institutions must prioritize intellectual freedom over financial incentives, implementing stringent policies to guard against undue influence from authoritarian regimes. This may include transparency in funding sources and the establishment of clear guidelines to prevent conflicts of interest.

Furthermore, public awareness campaigns can play a pivotal role. Educating the public about the realities of forced organ harvesting and the CCP’s efforts to suppress information can help build resilience against propaganda and censorship. By fostering a well-informed citizenry, Western societies can better resist authoritarian influences and uphold the principles of justice and human rights.

In essence, the CCP’s success in silencing talk on forced organ harvesting in the West is a stark reminder of the pervasive reach of authoritarian influence. It calls for a concerted effort to defend the integrity of free speech and human rights against economic and political coercion. The moral imperative to speak out against such atrocities transcends commercial and diplomatic considerations, demanding unwavering commitment from all sectors of society.


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