Eric Thompson

Trump Dominates Super Tuesday Forcing Haley To Drop Out

As was expected by many political pundits on Tuesday former President Trump easily won the 2024 GOP Super Tuesday presidential primary day.

Trump won 14 of the 15 states, with Nikki Haley only winning Vermont with the help of Democrats crossing over.

Eric Thompson Podcast:

The former US President won Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

Watch Trump’s Super Tuesday Election Victory Speech

Even CNN had to report on Trump’s HUGE victory:

Trump wins big

The former president continued his run of dominance in the Republican nominating contest, despite losing one state, Vermont, to Haley.

Though the 15 states that voted Tuesday didn’t have enough delegates for Trump to officially secure the party nomination for a third consecutive presidential election, he moved much closer, and demonstrated that the door for Haley was all but shut.

Here’s the delegate math: Just before midnight, with many votes still being counted, CNN’s latest delegate estimate showed that Trump had picked up 617 delegates on Tuesday to Haley’s 23. Overall, Trump had 893 delegates — 92% of those awarded so far and closing in on the 1,215 he’ll need to clinch the GOP nomination. Haley had just 66.

“They call it Super Tuesday for a reason. This is a big one. And they tell me, the pundits and otherwise, that there’s never been one like this,” Trump said at his election night watch party at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach.

An exit poll of Super Tuesday voters conducted by Decision Desk HQ found predictable differences between Democrats and Republicans regarding the issues they are most concerned about in this election.

For Republicans, the top issue is the border crisis and unchecked illegal immigration. For Democrats?

Super Tuesday Exit Poll: Abortion Is the Top Issue for Dems; Biden Border Crisis Is Top Issue for GOP

The poll surveyed absentee, early, and day-of voters.

According to the poll:

  • Democratic voters prioritized abortion with 27% citing it as their top issue; the economy ranked second at 25% and education ranked third at 11%.
  • Despite significant pundit-class anticipation of progressive voters’ responses to President Biden’s stance on the Israel/Gaza conflict, only 9% of Democratic voters cited foreign policy as their top issue – ranking it #5 overall.
  • Republican voters prioritized immigration, with 44% citing it as their top issue, followed by the economy at 28%.
  • Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley continues to perform better than former President Trump among self-identified Independent and Democratic voters.

The Wall Street Journal and other news outlets reported the former two-term South Carolina governor who later served as U.N. ambassador in former President Donald Trump’s administration would deliver brief remarks in the Charleston area around 10 AM ET, which she did.

This decision comes after her embarrassing effort on Super Tuesday, where she only won the state of Vermont thanks to Democrat votes.

Here is a video, thirteen months after she launched her 2024 Republican presidential campaign, of Nikki Haley ending her White House bid.

Watch Nikki Haley drops out of presidential election after Super Tuesday losses

She is suspending her campaign for the GOP nomination but is not immediately endorsing Trump.

Haley expressed gratitude that her mother, a first generation immigrant, had the opportunity to vote for her daughter for president but said it is now time to suspend her campaign.

“I am filled with gratitude for the outpouring of support we’ve received from all across our great country. But the time is now come to suspend my campaign. I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard. I have done that. I have no regrets,” she said, explaining that she will continue to use her voice for things she believes in.

Haley briefly reiterated her belief that the national debt will “eventually crush our economy” and said a “smaller federal government is not only necessary for our freedom; it is necessary for our survival.”

“I am filled with gratitude for the outpouring of support we’ve received from all across our great country. But the time is now come to suspend my campaign. I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard. I have done that. I have no regrets,” she said, explaining that she will continue to use her voice for things she believes in.

Haley briefly reiterated her belief that the national debt will “eventually crush our economy” and said a “smaller federal government is not only necessary for our freedom; it is necessary for our survival.”

Haley polled in the single digits for much of last year and faced an uphill climb to win the nomination. But courtesy of well-regarded performances in the late summer and autumn in the first three GOP primary debates, Haley grabbed momentum and saw her poll numbers soar.

That surge increased in December, as Haley caught up with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the latest Iowa polls and in national surveys, for a distant second place behind Trump.


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