Eric Thompson

Trump Drops A Stink Bomb On The Left After What He Said About Racist DA

Republican hopeful and accused criminal Donald Trump has lambasted Fulton County DA Fani Willis and said her affair with prosecutor Nathan Wade was a ‘major league scandal.’

The former president, 77, took to Truth Social this morning and called on her and the others leading what he describes as ‘this witch hunt’ to be ‘immediately terminated and permanently erased from everyone’s memory.’

Fani Willis has been accused of misconduct that could see her removed from the election interference case against Trump, after allegations that she had an affair with Nathan Wade, a married man, who has been described as ‘an old friend’ of the DA.

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She hired his firm, Wade & Campbell, to help run the prosecution for the election subversion case that was filed in Georgia in August 2023.

The pair were accused, in a claim filed by Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official who is a co-defendant in the election subversion case, of having ‘an improper, clandestine personal relationship’, and of using taxpayer money that was paid to Wade for his legal services to fund holidays to the Bahamas.

‘I can’t believe the Georgia State Judiciary, or the Governor, can be happy about this humiliating embarrassment,’ Trump told his Truth Social followers.

‘The stench of what has happened should shame Georgia no longer. It should get back to GREATNESS, and FAST!!!’

His comments came the day after Willis testified at a Fulton County courthouse on Thursday, indicating that her ‘physical’ affair with Wade ended before Donald Trump and 18 of his associates were charged with a racketeering conspiracy.

But whether the relationship itself had ended completely before the bombshell indictment was not entirely clear.

Deep into her testimony about the ‘romantic’ relationship that she did not disclose to colleagues and when it began, Wills got pressed when the pair split, after revelations they were an item blew open the Trump prosecutions in Georgia.

‘The romantic relationship ended before the indictment was returned – yes or no?’ asked Trump lawyer Steven Sadow inside a Fulton County courthouse Friday.

Fani Willis (pictured) has been accused of misconduct that could see her removed from the election interference case against Trump

‘To a man, yes,’ she said – indicating that the ‘physical’ relationship with Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade had ended by that time.

‘To a man yes, to you no?’ Sadow followed up.

‘Did the forthcoming indictment have anything to do with that?’ he pressed.

Donald Trump is currently involved in four major legal cases as he runs for president

Willis had ventured her views on male-female differences that were crucial to her answer. It was one of many times the DA offered attention-grabbing and sometimes extraneous information in the blockbuster hearing – including her preference for Grey Goose vodka, her keeping a stash of up to $15,000 cash in her home, and not venturing a guess as to what continent Belize was on after travelling there with her flame.

‘Let’s go on and have a conversation,’ Willis said.

‘Mr. Wade is used to women, as he told me one time, the only thing a woman can do for him is make him a sandwich. … I don’t need anything from a man. A man is not a plan. A man is a companion,’ Willis said.

‘I don’t need anybody to foot my bills. The only man who’s ever foot my bills completely is my daddy.’

‘So it’s clear, the physical relationship ended pre-indictment,’ Sadow asked her.

Wade was asked by a Donald Trump attorney whether about the source of cash he said Willis gave him, and whether Willis simply took cash out of her pocketbook. ‘I didn¿t ask her,’ he said

‘I’m not sure that the tough conversation didn’t happen until after, but the physical relationship – I’m sure if you asked Mr. Wade, because he’s a male, he would say we ended June or July, because physical contact ended then,’ she explained.

‘In my mind, being a woman, it’s over when you have that like hard conversation. I just think women and men think differently.’

In either scenario, DA and the prosecutor who signed a contract to help lead her team were jointly committed to the task even while engaged in a relationship.

Wade and Willis each testified that the romantic relationship began in 2022, after she had brought him on.

They also both said they met at a judicial conference in 2019, although Willis emphatically denied hooking up with Wade at the time.

‘I’m not on trial, no matter how hard you try to put me on trial,’ she told Merchant.

Sadow also questioned Wade on the end of the relationship, asking if he had ‘any personal relationship at all’ at that point.

‘Are you asking me have I had intercourse with the district attorney?’ Wade shot back.

‘The answer would be no.’

‘You say personal. We’re very good friends,’ he told Sadow. ‘Probably closer than ever because of these attacks. But if you’re asking me about specific intercourse, the answer is no.’

Conservative critics piled in on the DA almost immediately.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, the controversial far-right congresswoman who represents Georgia’s 14th district, took to X and said: ‘This is EXACTLY why I filed my ethics complaint against Fani Willis and Nathan Wade.

‘Fani Willis admits she has no proof that she reimbursed Nathan Wade for their lavish vacations, but paid rent via an app! She must be criminally investigated!’

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