Eric Thompson

Trump To Take Part in a X Town Hall Event, Elon Musk Confirms

Former President Donald Trump is set to engage with the public in a town hall on the social media platform X, as confirmed by Elon Musk.

This announcement comes at a critical juncture as Trump continues to assert his influence in the political arena while preparing for a potential 2024 presidential run.

While few details of the forthcoming town hall are available, including time and place, Mr. Musk confirmed reports of the event in a briefly-worded post on X.

“This will be interesting,” Mr. Musk said while sharing an article by The New York Post, which reported plans for the town hall that will include President Trump answering questions submitted by audience members during the livestreamed event.
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President Joe Biden was invited by the social media company to do a debate or a town hall, but he declined, according to The Wall Street Journal, which first reported news of the X sit-downs.
As the fallout from the verdict continues to unfold, it is evident that the political landscape remains as polarized as ever. The Biden campaign’s response has further entrenched divisions, with both sides of the political spectrum using the event to rally their respective bases.
President Trump vowed to appeal the verdict and called the trial “very unfair.”

“This is a scam. This is a rigged trial … this is a rigged judge,” President Trump said at a press conference on May 31, adding that a specific election expert wasn’t allowed to testify on certain issues related to the trial.

The town hall comes as a growing number of reports are coming out indicating that Musk and Trump have grown closer in recent months.

Musk has not been shy about voicing his displeasure with Biden, and Trump have reportedly met to discuss a wide range of issues, including cryptocurrency policy and a possible invitation for the mogul to address the Republican National Convention this summer, according to Bloomberg News.

The Tesla and SpaceX chief wrote on X that he was “pretty sure I’ve never discussed crypto with Trump, although I am generally in favor of things that shift power from government to the people, which crypto can do.”

Republicans condemned the guilty verdict while Democrats and the Biden presidential campaign responded to the verdict with glee.

“Donald Trump has always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain,” Biden–Harris 2024 communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement.

White House spokesperson Ian Sams said in a post on X: “We respect the rule of law, and have no additional comment.”

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) took to X to say that the “best way to fight back right now against the sham trial is to donate to the Trump campaign.”
The involvement of Elon Musk adds another layer of significance to the event.
Musk’s stewardship of X and his commitment to free speech are central to this initiative, reflecting his broader vision for the platform. By hosting figures from across the political spectrum, Musk aims to establish X as a premier destination for political engagement and debate.
The Trump town hall on X is poised to be a landmark event, encapsulating the intersection of technology, politics, and public discourse. As Trump prepares to take the virtual stage, the nation watches with keen interest, anticipating insights into his views and his potential path forward in the political arena.


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