Eric Thompson

What Joe Biden Just Got Caught Doing Is Treasonous! He Must Be Impeached For This!

President Joe Biden is operating a “secretive flights” program to fly hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the United States every year, according to records obtained by Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.

The records, obtained by Bensman via a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit, show that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) imported 320,000 illegal aliens to the United States last year through the little-known flight component of Biden’s “CBP One” mobile app.

The migrant mobile app, Breitbart News has extensively reported, has allowed about 465,000 illegal aliens to schedule appointments at the United States-Mexico border for release into the United States interior from January 2023 through January 2024.

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The app’s flight component has flown additional hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into 43 American airports last year alone, Bensman reveals.

DHS officials have refused to say which airports are being used to fly illegal aliens to the United States, admitting that revealing such information poses “operational vulnerabilities” because “bad actors” would attempt to exploit the program.

Bensman reports:

In short, the Biden administration’s legally dubious program to fly inadmissible aliens over the border and directly to U.S. airports has allegedly created law enforcement vulnerabilities too grave to release publicly, lest “bad actors” take advantage of them to inflict harm on public safety. [Emphasis added]

Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Tom McClintock (R-CA) have asked DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to release publicly a full numerical accounting of every illegal alien released by the agency into the United States interior since February 2021.

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Mayorkas, though, has refused to answer the request.

The Congressional Budgt Office (CBO) estimates that from January 2021 through December 2023, Biden’s DHS welcomed 6.2 million illegal aliens to the United States — a foreign population that is nearly twice the annual American birth rate.

@stillgray on (X):
This is insane. The Biden administration admits to transporting 320,000 illegal aliens on secret flights into the U.S. to reduce the number of crossings.
Lawyers for its immigration agencies claim revealing the locations could create national security “vulnerabilities.” Per the Daily Mail: “Included in details of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit first reported by Todd Bensman, the Center for Immigration
Studies found Biden’s CBP approved the latest secretive flights that transported hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from foreign countries into at least 43 different American airports from January through December 2023.”

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