Eric Thompson

With “Pharmacy Deserts” Spreading Across The USA, Protect Your Family From Medicine Shortages

A lot of people agree on 2 things:

The next medical crisis is just around the corner. And you can’t count on the healthcare system to keep you well.

Whether it comes in the form of a bioweapon or something more mundane like a tick bite – you and your family need to be preparedTHAT’S WHERE THE WELLNESS COMPANY COMES IN.

A silent crisis is unfolding that strikes at the very heart of our communities: pharmacy deserts are expanding across America, leaving millions without easy access to essential medications and health services.

This alarming trend not only undermines the health and well-being of our citizens but also poses a significant challenge to our nation’s founding principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Pharmacy deserts, much like food deserts, are areas where access to pharmacies is scarce or non-existent. The closure of big-chain pharmacies has exacerbated this issue, particularly in rural and low-income urban neighborhoods. According to The Washington Post, these closures have left countless Americans miles away from their nearest pharmacy, forcing them to travel great distances for prescriptions or forego necessary medication altogether.

The implications are dire: when people can’t get their medications easily, chronic conditions go unmanaged, leading to preventable complications and hospitalizations. This not only strains our healthcare system but also increases costs for everyone. It’s a ripple effect that touches every corner of society.

But why are these pharmacies closing? It’s a complex issue involving reimbursement rates for medications that often don’t cover the cost of doing business in certain areas. Big chains argue they’re simply not sustainable. However, critics suggest it’s a matter of prioritizing profits over people—a stance that doesn’t sit well with conservative values which hold community and individual welfare in high regard.

The impact on vulnerable populations cannot be overstated. Elderly Americans who rely on multiple daily medications are particularly hard-hit; mobility challenges compound their difficulties in accessing vital healthcare resources.

In response to this growing crisis, some have turned to mail-order pharmacies or online services as alternatives. While these options offer some relief, they’re not without their own set of challenges such as delays in shipping or issues with temperature-sensitive medications.

Amidst this bleak landscape emerges a beacon of self-reliance: emergency preparedness kits from TWC Health. These kits provide individuals with an array of over-the-counter medications and first aid supplies designed to bridge gaps during times when access to pharmacies is limited or non-existent.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of the corrupting influence of big pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic:

“I’ve strongly recommended “stock piling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family and patients have benefited.  Now, in winter of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.”

The concept behind these kits aligns with conservative principles valuing personal responsibility and foresight—preparing oneself for unforeseen circumstances rather than relying solely on external systems that may fail us when we need them most.

These emergency preparedness kits serve as a testament to American ingenuity and resourcefulness in facing adversity head-on. They empower individuals by ensuring they have essential medical supplies on hand should they find themselves cut off from traditional pharmacy services due to closures or other disruptions.

While emergency kits can provide temporary relief in times of need, they also highlight a larger issue at play: the need for systemic solutions that address the root causes behind pharmacy deserts. Solutions could include incentivizing pharmacies to operate in underserved areas or exploring alternative models like community-run pharmacies that could fill the void left by big chains.

The expansion of pharmacy deserts is more than just an inconvenience—it’s an affront to American values that champion equal opportunity for all citizens regardless of where they live. As we grapple with this challenge, it becomes increasingly clear that innovative approaches must be embraced if we are to uphold these ideals and ensure no American is left behind when it comes to accessing vital healthcare services.

In essence, while emergency preparedness kits offer immediate respite from the encroaching desertification of pharmacy access across America’s vast landscape, they also serve as a clarion call for proactive measures—measures which resonate deeply with conservative ethos centered around self-sufficiency and community resilience.

As we continue navigating through this complex terrain fraught with economic pressures and healthcare disparities alike—where big-chain decisions reverberate through small-town main streets—the narrative remains unwritten on how America will ultimately address its growing number of pharmacy deserts.

What remains clear is that action must be taken; otherwise we risk allowing part of our population to languish in areas bereft not only of convenience but also critical care—a scenario incompatible with our nation’s core values.


  • Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (generic Augmentin) 875/125 mg – 28 tablets
  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets
  • Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg – 60 capsules
  • Metronidazole (generic Flagyl) 500 mg – 30 tablets
  • Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (generic Bactrim) 800/160 mg – 28 tablets
  • Ivermectin 18mg – 7 compounded capsules
  • Fluconazole (generic Diflucan) 150 mg – 2 tablets
  • Ondansetron (generic Zofran) 4mg – 6 tablets
  • 1 Emergency Medication Guidebook written by our Chief Medical Board for safe use.


  • Anthrax
  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Bite Wounds
  • Bronchitis
  • Chlamydia
  • Clostridioides difficile
  • Colitis
  • COVID – 19
  • Gonorrhea
  • Giardiasis
  • Lice
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Pharyngitis
  • Pinworms
  • Plague (bioterror)
  • Pneumonia
  • Rickettsial Infections
  • Scabies
  • Shigella Infection
  • Sinusitis
  • Skin Infection
  • Strep Throat
  • Syphilis
  • Tetanus
  • Tick Exposure
  • Tonsillitis
  • Traveler’s Diarrhea
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Tularemia (bioterror)
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Vaginal Candidiasis
  • Viral Upper Respiratory Infection

Don’t be caught unprepared. Don’t be reliant on the broken and corrupt medical industrial complex.


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