Eric Thompson

Biden’s DEA Admits Mexican Cartels are Operating in All 50 States

In a recent and startling revelation, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) under President Joe Biden has admitted that Mexican drug cartels now have a presence in all 50 states.

This acknowledgment comes amidst a growing crisis of drug trafficking and related violence that has permeated American society, presenting a significant challenge to federal and local law enforcement agencies.

The DEA’s statement underscores the alarming reach and influence of these cartels, which have traditionally been confined to border states and major urban centers.

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Their expanded presence is attributed to their sophisticated operations and extensive distribution networks that allow them to traffic large quantities of illicit drugs such as methamphetamine, fentanyl, and heroin across the nation. DEA Administrator Anne Milgram noted, “These cartels have evolved into a nationwide threat, capable of exploiting vulnerabilities in our communities and overwhelming local resources”​​.

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“The deadly reach of the Mexican Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels into U.S. communities is extended by the wholesale-level traffickers and street dealers bringing the cartels’ drugs to market, sometimes creating their own deadly drug mixtures,” the DEA report says. “Together, the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels have caused the worst drug crisis in U.S. history.”

This widespread infiltration has been facilitated by the cartels’ ability to adapt to law enforcement strategies and leverage technology for communication and coordination.

The consequences of their operations are stark: surging overdose deaths, increased violent crime rates, and the destabilization of communities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drug overdose deaths surpassed 100,000 annually for the first time, driven largely by fentanyl, a synthetic opioid predominantly trafficked by Mexican cartels​.

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Critics argue that the Biden administration’s policies have exacerbated the situation. The administration’s approach to border security has been described as lenient, with critics pointing to the rollback of stringent measures put in place by the previous administration. “The current administration’s open border policies have directly contributed to the unprecedented power and reach of these cartels,” said Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI). He further emphasized that lax border controls have provided cartels with increased opportunities to smuggle drugs and other contraband into the United States​.

Furthermore, the DEA’s admission has prompted calls for a reassessment of the nation’s drug policy and enforcement strategies. Lawmakers and law enforcement officials are urging the Biden administration to take more decisive actions to curb the influence of Mexican cartels. “We need a comprehensive strategy that not only strengthens our borders but also disrupts the cartels’ financial operations and dismantles their supply chains,” stated Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

He advocates for increased funding for border security, the deployment of advanced surveillance technology, and enhanced cooperation with Mexican authorities to target cartel leadership​​.

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On the ground, local law enforcement agencies are grappling with the repercussions of the cartels’ expanded operations. Sheriff Mark Dannels of Cochise County, Arizona, highlighted the strain on local resources: “Our deputies are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of drug trafficking and associated crimes. We need federal support to combat this crisis effectively”​ 

The DEA’s revelation also raises concerns about public safety and the social fabric of communities across the country. The pervasive presence of cartel activities has been linked to rising rates of violent crime, including homicides and kidnappings, as rival factions vie for control over lucrative drug markets.

Additionally, the availability of potent drugs like fentanyl has led to a spike in overdose deaths, placing a heavy burden on public health systems and first responders​​.

In response to the DEA’s findings, some policymakers are advocating for more aggressive tactics to combat cartel influence. Proposals include designating Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, which would grant law enforcement additional tools and authorities to pursue cartel members and their assets.

Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) remarked, “It’s time to treat these cartels for what they are: terrorist organizations that threaten the safety and security of the American people”​​.

The Biden administration, however, maintains that it is committed to addressing the cartel threat through a balanced approach that includes both enforcement and prevention measures. A spokesperson for the White House emphasized the importance of international cooperation, stating, “We are working closely with our partners in Mexico and other countries to disrupt drug trafficking networks and bring those responsible to justice”​​.

As the nation grapples with the multifaceted challenges posed by the cartels, it is clear that a robust, coordinated effort is required to safeguard American communities and restore order. The DEA’s admission serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive and evolving nature of the cartel threat, and the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address it effectively.


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