Eric Thompson

Fresh Hell in Haiti as Bodies Pile Up in the Street as Gangsters ‘Barbecue’ and ‘Izo’ Reign Terror on Civilians – With No End to the Bloody Civil War in Sight

In the streets of Haiti, a nation besieged by chaos, the rule of law has been supplanted by the rule of terror. As bodies accumulate in public view, a stark reminder of the country’s descent into anarchy, notorious gang leaders like ‘Barbecue’ and ‘Izo’ have become the de facto warlords, reigning with impunity over a beleaguered civilian population. The ongoing bloodshed paints a grim portrait of a society where government authority is not just challenged but outright ignored.

The situation in Haiti is nothing short of catastrophic. Gang violence has escalated to levels that can only be described as warlike, with clashes between rival factions leaving scores dead.

The streets have become macabre exhibitions, with human remains lying unclaimed and exposed to the elements—a testament to the severity of the crisis. This surge in violence is not merely criminal; it’s symptomatic of deeper societal fractures.


Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier and Vitel’homme “Izo” Innocent are names that now evoke fear and despair among Haitians. These gang leaders command their own armies, enforcing their will through brutality and fear. Their power extends beyond mere physical control; they manipulate food supplies and access to essential services, effectively holding the population hostage.

The international community watches on, seemingly paralyzed by indecision or lack of will to intervene in what has become an urban battlefield.

Reports from ground zero paint a picture of desperation: vigilante mobs have taken justice into their own hands, burning alleged gang members alive in acts that speak volumes about the collapse of civil order.

This isn’t just about gangs fighting for territory; it’s about a complete breakdown in social structure. When citizens are forced to choose between starvation under gang-imposed blockades or risking death by venturing out for supplies, there’s no semblance of normalcy left to cling to.

The Haitian government appears overwhelmed by the scale and ferocity of gang warfare within its borders. Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s administration seems incapable or unwilling to confront these criminal empires head-on. The police force is outgunned and outmanned—often complicit or at best ineffective against well-armed gangs that operate with military-grade weaponry.

What does this mean for democracy? For human rights? These aren’t abstract concepts when you’re staring down the barrel of a gun wielded by someone who knows they won’t face justice. It’s easy for those living comfortably elsewhere to overlook such distant turmoil until it spills over borders or disrupts economies.

But let’s not forget: Haiti shares an island with the Dominican Republic—a country with which America has significant economic ties—and instability has a way of spreading if left unchecked. Moreover, this isn’t just about regional stability; it’s about our hemisphere’s security as well.

Former police officer Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, leader of the ‘G9’ gang alliance, speaks during a press conference in Delmas 6, Port-au-Prince, Haiti March 5, 2024

The United States has historically played a role in Haitian affairs but seems hesitant to engage more deeply in what could be seen as another foreign quagmire. Yet one must question whether turning a blind eye serves anyone’s interests in the long run—certainly not those suffering daily under gang dominion.

It’s worth considering how American policies might inadvertently contribute to such situations abroad—whether through direct action or neglect—and how we might better support democratic institutions rather than strongmen or corrupt officials who only perpetuate cycles of violence and poverty.

As conservatives often emphasize personal responsibility and law-and-order principles domestically, there should be an equal commitment to fostering environments where these values can thrive internationally—especially in our backyard. After all, promoting stable societies underpinned by rule-of-law principles aligns closely with conservative ideals around governance and social order.

Yet interventionism comes with its own set of complexities; history is littered with examples where good intentions led to unintended consequences on foreign soil. Thus lies the conundrum: How does one offer meaningful support without overstepping sovereign boundaries or getting entangled in endless conflict?

Haiti’s plight may seem distant—a nightmare unfolding far from American shores—but ignoring such crises can have ripple effects that eventually reach us one way or another. Whether through migration pressures as people flee untenable conditions or through increased drug trafficking as lawlessness provides fertile ground for cartels—the problems born from Haiti’s chaos are not contained within its borders alone.

As we witness this fresh hell unfold in Haiti—with no end to this bloody civil war in sight—it prompts difficult questions about international responsibility and America’s role on the global stage when democracies falter and human suffering ensues unabated.


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