Eric Thompson

Here We Go Again? WHO Chief Warns of Inevitable ‘Disease X’ Pandemic — ‘A Matter of When, Not If’ (VIDEOS)

In 2001 a new television show Fear Factor launched attracting millions of viewers who watched every day people get pushed up to and beyond their fear threshold.

Unlike Fear Factor which viewers could turn off, globalists are once again using fear tacting trying to scare people around the world into adopting their collective one-world government agenda.

In line with what people from around the world experienced during COVID-19, world leaders are insisting the world must develop a vaccine for a coming ‘Disease X’.


Yes, powerful government officials are pushing for the vaccine for a coming emergency virus, rather than the other way around.

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Last month, The World Economic Forum (WEF), headed by Klaus Schwab, convened global leaders to brace for an imminent threat they are calling, “Disease X”.


The group of elitists, who have been pushing the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 agenda since 2020 is predicting a pandemic 20 times more deadly than COVID-19.

The far-left media group, the BBC, reported that the UK Health Security Agency is “scanning the horizon for threats and starting work on vaccines, just in case.”

According to the WEF’s official statement, the looming threat of ‘Disease X’ has been cast into the spotlight by none other than the World Health Organization (WHO).

In response, dystopian-driven so-called experts are somehow working on a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t exist yet, I don’t think you can call this “science”.

According to CEPI’s website, a self-proclaimed innovative global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organizations, “Disease X” itself is hypothetical: it does not exist. But the concept of Disease X describes a very real and growing threat to human health – and one the world must prepare better to respond to. The most recent Disease X to emerge was the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Johns Hopkins agrees:Public health agencies and governments across the globe are always readying their response for the next infectious disease emergency, but how do we prepare for the truly unknown? Enter Disease X.”

“Since 2018, this mysterious—and often misrepresented—hypothetical pathogen has been at the heart of international pandemic preparedness efforts. Planning for the emergence of an as-yet-unknown infectious pathogen could mean a swifter, more effective public health response—one that readily yields the vaccines, treatments, and diagnostic tests needed to save lives.”

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spoke candidly about the “not-if-but-when” reality of a new pandemic, which he refers to as ‘Disease X.’

During his address in Dubai during the World Government Summit, Tedros claimed that despite the current focus on COVID-19, the concept of ‘Disease X’ has been part of the global health conversation for years, representing the unknown pathogen that could cause a future pandemic.

“History teaches us that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if,” Tedros said. “It may be caused by an influenza virus, a new coronavirus, or it may be caused by a new pathogen we don’t even know about yet, or what we call disease X.”

The term ‘Disease X’ first appeared in WHO documents in 2018 as a placeholder for an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic. Interestingly, Dr. Tedros pointed out that COVID-19 itself was a form of ‘Disease X,’ a previously unknown virus that triggered a global crisis.

“But there will be another disease X or a disease Y or a disease Z,” he added.

WHO’s “global pandemic treaty” includes a plan for a mandatory, universal digital passport and ID system.

The globalist organization has already contracted a German-based company, called ‘T-Systems’, to develop the technology with plans to link every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID.

Last year, Tony Blair, a former prime minister of the United Kingdom, advocated for the development of “national digital infrastructure” to facilitate the distribution of new vaccines and to determine who is vaccinated or who is not for future pandemics.

“You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been,” said Blair at the WEF summit. “Some of the vaccines that will come on down the line will be multiple. There will be multiple shots. So you’ve got to have reasons to do with healthcare more generally. But certainly, for a pandemic or for vaccines, you’ve got to have a proper digital infrastructure. And many countries don’t have that and most countries don’t have that.”

The Gateway Pundit is reporting:

According to Garret Mehl – the head of WHO’s Department of Digital Health and Innovation, the plan for the new universal system is to issue a QR code digital ID to every single person on the planet.

It can be recalled that the G20 leaders issued a joint declaration at the end of the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia in 2022. The joint declaration advocated for a universal standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and urged the creation of “global digital health networks to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics.”

The declaration came after Indonesia’s health minister, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, advocated for a global digital health certificate during the B20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia.

Speaking to the crowd, Sadikin said, “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO. If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around. So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people one hundred percent, which [collapses] the economy globally, you can still provide some movement of the people.”

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