Eric Thompson

Pentagon Commander: ‘Alarming’ Number Of Drone Incursions At US-Mexico Border

The coordinated attack and invasion by millions of illegal aliens at the US/Mexico border should be universally condemned by all Americans.

In addition to the 2 plus million jobs illegals have taken from American workers, the human trafficking, surge in drugs from the increasing cartel activity in a growing number of US citizens has many Americans feeling unsafe in their previously safe cities.

On October 30, 2023 Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to Mr. Troy A. Miller, the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner U.S. Customs and Border Protection, expressing his concern about the numbers of illegal aliens invading the US/Mexico southern border.

In it Grassley requested detailed information on who the field agents were engaging at the border.

“In addition, reports also indicate Mexican cartels have increased their use of unmanned aerial systems (i.e., drones) on both sides of the U.S. and Mexico border.”

“These drones are used by the cartels to carry out targeted assassinations and violent attacks by dropping explosives in Mexico, monitor and gain reconnaissance on the movements of U.S. Border Patrol (CBP) agents and other U.S. law enforcement officers, and track the progress of their smugglers illegally crossing into the U.S.”

For each of the last five years, provide the number of drones controlled by operators in Mexico that have been detected at the southern border.”

On Thursday. Sen. Ted Budd, R-N.C., questioned Gens. Gregory M. Guillot and Laura J. Richardson at a Senate hearing asking about the number of drones documented at the southern border and their risks to homeland security.

“The number of incursions was something that was alarming to me as I took command last month,” Guillot told the senator. “I don’t know the actual number – I don’t think anybody does – but it’s in the thousands.”

He continued, “I’ve talked to Customs and Border Protection, who are responsible for the UAS incursions on the border, along with DOJ. And they put the number at thousands.” 

Budd zeroed in on the time frame the general was referencing in regard to the “thousands” of drone incursions.

Guillot responded, “I would say in probably over a month we could probably have over 1,000 a month.”

“New Mexican cartels are using drones to bring drugs into America and monitor Border Patrol agents, officials have testified to Congress. Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley sector have faced over 10,000 drone incursions and 25,000 drone sightings in just one year.”

The general added while he is alarmed at the number of incidents and sees the national security threat only growing, there has not yet been indications that they are a risk for homeland defense.

Guillot also expressed concern about the number of Chinese nationals crossing the U.S.southern border.

According to CBS News, last year the U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 37,000 Chinese citizens were apprehended crossing illegally from Mexico into the U.S.… 50 times more than two years earlier. Many of the illegals told us they made the journey to escape China’s Communist political tyranny and slowing economy.

On Feb 6, 2024, News Nation reported:

Chinese migrants are now the fastest-growing demographic crossing the southern border into the U.S. with the help of social media platforms. This year, there have already been more than 18,000 encounters, surpassing last year’s record, according to Customs and Border Protection.

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