Eric Thompson

Trump Gets A BIG Win In Georgia Trial

On Tuesday the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, won the Washington state primary giving him enough delegates to clinch the 2024 GOP nomination.

Following his victories in Georgia and Washington state, President Trump released a victory video.

Here is the first part of the transcript:

Hello, everyone. It’s your favorite president speaking to you on a really great day of victory. One week ago, we had something called Super Tuesday, and it was indeed super because we won at numbers that nobody has ever seen before, records in virtually every state, and tonight likewise. But this one got us over the top. The Republican National Committee has just declared us the official nominee, and so we’re the official nominee of the Republican Party, which is a big deal.

But most importantly, we now have to go into victory because our country’s in serious trouble. We have millions and millions of people flowing in. We have no respect on the world stage. What we say doesn’t mean a thing anymore. And to have that happen is unthinkable.

We have an economy that outside of certain little areas is doing very poorly. And we have something very, very important. We have United States military that has to be taken care of. Again, this was a great day of victory. Last week was something very special, super Tuesday.

Eric Thompson Show Podcast:

On Wednesday, the Fulton County judge overseeing the Georgia 2020 election case dismissed some charges against former President Trump, although other charges remain.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges in the case.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said 13 charges listed in the indictment must be quashed, including three counts against Trump, per court documents.

“As written, these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes but fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission, i.e., the underlying felony solicited,” McAfee wrote in his decision.

Trump and 18 others were charged with 41 counts related to an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election, keeping Trump in office for a second term.

Trump was charged under Georgia’s RICO Act.

Prosecutors charged Trump and his allies under the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, which allows them to link various crimes committed by different people by arguing that they were acting together for a common criminal goal.

In his order, McAfee agreed with defense attorneys that the indictment was “so generic as to compel” him to dismiss it, CNBC reported.

“On its own, the United States Constitution contains hundreds of clauses, any one of which can be the subject of a lifetime’s study,” the judge wrote.

McAfee announced that he will all be ruling this week on whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and special counsel Nathan Wade should be disqualified from the case over the timing of their adulterous relationship and allegations that they benefited financially from the situation.

The judge heard arguments over whether Willis’ relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade amounts to a conflict of interest that should force them off one of four criminal cases against the former president.

At the close of the hearing McAfee said that there are “several legal issues to sort through, several factual determinations that I have to make,” adding that he “will be taking the time to make sure that I give this case the full consideration it’s due.”

Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley explained why the judge’s decision to quash six counts of the RICO indictment severely wounded Fani Willis.

“Judge McAfee dismissal of the six counts presents a difficult question for the prosecution. If they try to secure a superseding indictment to correct the earlier mistakes, it will make it difficult to try the case before the election… The defense is allowed discovery and time to prepare for the new alleged crimes. That will take time off the clock. The court has indicated that they can still rely on the underlying conduct to make out the general racketeering charge. However, that theory was already thin soup and it just got a bit thinner,” Turley said.

Turley continued: “Part of the value of the multiplicity of counts was to convey a pattern criminality as a foundation for the more serious racketeering charges. This does not disable the case, but it adds yet another set back for the prosecution as it awaits the disqualification decision.”


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