Eric Thompson

The Messiah In The Psalms

On December 2nd, Answers in Genesis published:

David’s Psalms Point to Jesus, the Son of David.

Do Psalm 2 and 110 have an intentional messianic focus, or do they simply refer to David or the ideal Davidic King? It has become popular among many evangelical scholars to deny these Psalms have a direct messianic focus.1 

However, Psalm 2 and 110 do have an eschatological messianic perspective that goes back to Genesis 3:15 as they picture the King who defeats and subdues his enemies (cf. Genesis 49:9–10).2 There are several reasons to view Psalm 2 and 110 (and the entire book)3 as messianic.

First, Jesus believed the central message of the Old Testament was about the Messiah. 

Second, a proper reading of 2 Samuel 23:1, based upon the Septuagint (LXX), demonstrates that the reason God raised up David was to write concerning the Messiah:

These are the last words of David:

the declaration of David son of Jesse,

and the declaration of the man raised up concerning

the Messiah [Anointed One] of the God of Jacob,

and the Delightful One of the songs of Israel (LXX).4

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