Eric Thompson

Putin and Kim Jong-un Forge Stronger Alliance Amid Global Tensions

According to Breitbart, Russian strongman Vladimir Putin sent a letter to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un thanking him for a warm welcome in Pyongyang, the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Tuesday, and celebrated the “unprecedentedly high level” of relations between their two countries.

Video of Putin Waving Goodbye to Kim Jong Un Goes Viral Video:

This announcement comes on the heels of Putin’s visit to North Korea, his first in 24 years, where he was warmly welcomed by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The visit culminated in the signing of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” aimed at bolstering mutual defense and reviving the military alliance that once existed between the Soviet Union and North Korea.

The mutual defense treaty signed during Putin’s visit has raised alarms in South Korea and among its allies. This agreement stipulates that Moscow and Pyongyang will take defensive actions if either country is attacked.

This development is particularly concerning given the technical state of war that still exists between the Koreas, as the Korean War ended only with an armistice in 1953, not a peace treaty.

Russian strongman Vladimir Putin sent a letter to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un thanking him for a warm welcome in Pyongyang

Putin responded to that potential move last week saying arming Ukraine would be a “very big mistake.”

According to KCNA, Putin’s message to Kim Jong-un “expressed his sincerest thanks … for warmly welcoming him and the Russian delegation and according them heartfelt hospitality during their stay in the DPRK [North Korea].”

“He said that his recent state visit to the DPRK was of special significance as it raised the relations between Moscow and Pyongyang to an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive strategic partnership,” the communist propaganda outlet paraphrased Putin as saying.

Furious political leaders in South Korea have threatened to send weapons to Ukraine in response to Vladimir Putin’s latest manoeuvres.

KCNA claimed that Putin also apparently invited Kim back to Russia.

“The message hoped Kim Jong Un would not forget that he is an honoured guest Russia always waits for,” the outlet relayed. “Sincerely wishing Kim Jong Un good health and success in his state activities, it hoped that everything would go well for him.”

The strengthening of ties between Russia and North Korea has significant strategic implications. According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Putin’s message to Kim Jong-un expressed deep gratitude for the warm welcome and highlighted the importance of their recent discussions. Putin emphasized that the visit marked a special significance, raising the relations between Moscow and Pyongyang to an unprecedentedly high level of comprehensive strategic partnership.

In Russia, Yury Ushakov, a top foreign policy aide to Putin, indicated that the strengthened ties would also involve leveraging Russia’s position at the United Nations to attempt to reverse sanctions on North Korea.

These sanctions, which Russia voted for in 2017, were imposed in response to North Korea’s illegal nuclear weapons tests. Despite the sanctions, reports suggest that North Korea has significantly expanded its nuclear warhead arsenal in recent years.

In this photo provided by the North Korean government, North Korea leader Kim Jong Un, center, boards what is says a new nuclear attack submarine “Hero Kim Kun Ok” at an unspecified place in North Korea Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023.

The response from South Korea to the renewed alliance has been strong. President Yoon Suk-yeol condemned the agreement, describing it as an “anachronistic action” that runs counter to the progress of history.

Yoon asserted that while South Korea is moving towards freedom and prosperity, North Korea remains on a path of regression. He also accused Russia of violating United Nations sanctions on North Korea and emphasized that the South Korean military would maintain steadfast readiness to respond decisively to any provocations from the North.

In a provocative move, North Korea marked the anniversary of the Korean War by sending over 350 balloons filled with trash into South Korea.

This act, which President Yoon described as “despicable and irrational,” has led South Korea to prepare a retaliatory response, including the broadcast of anti-communist materials into North Korea. The use of such psychological operations, including the playing of music by the internationally popular South Korean band BTS, highlights the ongoing tensions between the two Koreas.

The strengthening of ties between Russia and North Korea comes at a time of increasing global tension and shifting alliances.

For Russia, this partnership with North Korea represents a strategic move to counterbalance Western influence and to solidify its presence in East Asia. For North Korea, the alliance provides a powerful ally against the backdrop of international isolation and economic sanctions.

This renewed alliance between Russia and North Korea is a clear indication of the shifting power dynamics in global politics. The partnership highlights the need for a robust and proactive foreign policy that addresses the challenges posed by authoritarian regimes.

The strategic implications of this alliance cannot be understated, as it underscores the importance of maintaining strong alliances and a vigilant stance against potential threats to global security.

The strengthening of ties between Moscow and Pyongyang is a significant development that requires careful attention and a strategic response. It is imperative for policymakers to understand the broader implications of this alliance and to develop strategies that ensure the continued stability and security of the international community.


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