Eric Thompson

Secret Service Agent Robbed at Gunpoint in California after Biden LA Fundraiser

In a shocking incident that underscores the escalating crime rates in urban areas, a Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint in Tustin, California, shortly after attending President Joe Biden’s fundraiser in Los Angeles. This brazen crime occurred in the aftermath of a high-profile event that drew numerous dignitaries and celebrities, including former President Barack Obama.


The agent, whose identity remains undisclosed, was returning from an assignment when the robbery took place around 9:30 PM at the Tustin Fields I residential community. The Tustin Police Department (TPD) reported that the perpetrator fled in a silver Infiniti FX35, a model from 2004-2006. While the agent was unharmed, some of his belongings were later recovered nearby.

During the altercation, the agent discharged his service weapon, although it remains unclear whether the suspect was hit. The TPD emphasized that the suspect posed “no known threat to the public,” but the incident raises serious questions about the effectiveness of law enforcement in safeguarding even those entrusted with the nation’s highest security responsibilities.

Anthony Guglielmi, a Secret Service spokesperson, confirmed the incident, stating that the agent was “returning from a work assignment” when he was confronted by the armed robber. The agent’s prompt reaction and use of his firearm, albeit unsuccessful in apprehending the criminal, highlighted the peril faced even by trained security personnel in the current climate.

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden with daughter Ashley and granddaughters Maisy make their way to board Air Force One before departing Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California on June 16, 2024.

Full statement from the United States Secret Service

A member of the U.S. Secret Service was the victim of an armed robbery in Tustin, California late Saturday when returning from a work assignment. The employee discharged their service weapon during the incident but unknown if the assailants were struck. We are thankful that the employee did not sustain any injuries.

This remains an open and active criminal investigation and any additional comments must come from the primary investigative agency which is the Tustin Police Department. Anyone with additional information about the incident is encouraged to call the Tustin Police Department Detective Melendrez at 714-573-3372

— Secret Service director of communications Anthony Guglielmi

The robbery followed a fundraising gala that generated approximately $28 million for President Biden’s re-election campaign. Biden’s remarks at the event, which focused on preserving Democratic achievements against potential Republican reversals, seemed ironically juxtaposed with the night’s violent occurrence. This incident also occurred against a backdrop of growing public concern over safety and crime rates in major cities, particularly those governed by Democratic administrations.

Nashua, New Hampshire | President Joe Biden wears sunglasses given to him by supporters after speaking on the PACT Act, which expands coverage for veterans exposed to toxic substances, at the Westwood Park YMCA in Nashua, N.H., on May 21, 2024.

While crime has been a persistent issue, this event underscores the inadequacies in the current administration’s approach to law enforcement and public safety. Critics argue that the failure to address these concerns adequately leaves even the most protected individuals vulnerable to such crimes. The brazenness of this robbery, occurring in a suburban area soon after a high-security event, amplifies fears about the general state of security in urban centers.

The alleged perpetrator drove off in what was described as a silver Infiniti FX35 or similar, estimated to be from 2004-2006.

The suspect remains at large, and the TPD is actively seeking information from the public to aid in the investigation. The incident, while isolated, highlights broader concerns regarding law enforcement’s capacity to manage and mitigate crime effectively, even in areas considered relatively safe..


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