Eric Thompson

Prominent Pollster Urges Joe Biden To “Consider Stepping Aside” If “Still Struggling in August”

On Thursday 538′s Pollster Nate Silver called for President Joe Biden to contemplate dropping out of the presidential race if it appears in August that he may lose the election.

August is when the Democratic National Convention is scheduled to take place in Chicago.

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“If Biden is still struggling in August he needs to consider stepping aside,” Silver posted on X. “It’s not a great situation for Ds either way, but you have to do due diligence on the question. It’s an important election, obviously. It shouldn’t be taboo to talk about.”

Former President Donald Trump’s lead against Biden increases among likely voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and North Carolina when independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other third-party candidates are on the ballot, according to a Thursday poll by The Cook Political Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group.

Silver said on a Thursday episode of his podcast “Risky Business” that it is a “bad sign” Biden only wants to do two debates.

Biden has experienced multiple protest votes in the Democratic primaries in part because of his handling of Israel’s war with terrorist group Hamas.

“Everyone’s saying that Donald Trump’s doing weak, weak, weak,” CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten asserted on Thursday.

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“It‘s actually Joe Biden in my mind in the primaries, that’s doing weak, weak, weak at least relative to history because right now he’s getting 87% of that primary vote for an incumbent.”

“But that’s actually the lowest … for any candidate since George H.W. Bush back in 1992 when Pat Buchanan challenged him, and of course, we all remember, at least I remember, that George H.W. Bush lost reelection in the fall to Bill Clinton.”


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