Eric Thompson

Christian Organization Goes All In For Trump 2024

In order for former President Donald J Trump to win a second term, Christians will have to turn out for him in huge numbers.

Well, here is some good news for the Trump campaign.

A prominent evangelical advocacy organization led by Ralph Reed plans to significantly ramp up political spending in the 2024 election with one goal in mind: returning Donald Trump to the White House

Eric Thompson Show Podcast

Faith & Freedom intends to spend $62 million registering and turning out evangelical voters, texting and calling supporters, and door-knocking.

The group is expected to hand out 30 million pieces of literature in 125,000 churches — many of them in battleground states.

“In terms of home visits and voters reached at the door, to my knowledge it’s the largest effort on the right outside of the Republican National Committee ever,” Reed, a longtime Republican strategist and Trump ally who oversees the organization, said of the direct voter contact enterprise.

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In a recent speech to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, Trump warned of a “radical left, corrupt political class” opposed to Christianity, according to The New York Times.

Politico reported:

Trump may have to lean on outside groups like Reed’s for help.

The former president is confronting a considerable financial disadvantage heading into the general election with President Joe Biden. He ended January with $30 million in the bank, only a little over half as much as Biden.

The Republican National Committee, meanwhile, has just $8 million on hand, about one-third as much as its Democratic counterpart. Beyond that, conservative outside groups are up against a big constellation of liberal organizations that are flush with anti-Trump cash.

Reed said that during Trump’s time in office Trump “was so pro-life that it was astonishing. And as a result of that, he’s going to get more running room from the pro-life grassroots than a typical candidate might get or that he would have gotten in ’16. In ’16 I think there was a lack of trust, and now there is total trust,”

“No one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration. I swear to you,” he also said then, according to Scripps News Service.

Trump supporters believe Trump can transform the nation, Scripps reported.

“We’re 100 percent behind Donald Trump and want to see America great again,” Vicky Fukes of Delaware said at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference. “One nation under God. That’s the way it’s got to remain.”

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Two other pro-Trump super PACs are expected to spend tens of millions of dollars in support of the former president.

Still uncommitted this election the conservative Club for Growth, which has had a shaky relationship with Trump over the years, has not publicly committed to financially backing Trump’s run for the oval office.

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