Eric Thompson

Trump Announces First Actions In Second Term, Including Freeing Jan. 6th Prisoners

In typical fashion for the 45th President of the United States, before Special Counsel Hur testified concerning Joe Biden’s criminal mishandling of classified documents, Donald Trump posted on Truth Social that he plans to free the political prisoners jailed over the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol one of his main priorities in the early days of his new administration if he wins re-election in November.

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“My first acts as your next President will be to Close the Border, DRILL, BABY, DRILL, and Free the January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!” he wrote in a Truth Social post-Monday.

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Although the likely Republican nominee has previously said he would pardon many of the rioters—referring to those lawfully convicted and sentenced in DC Kangaroo courts as “hostages”—his latest remarks appear to be the first time that he’s indicated that he’ll address the issue in the first days of his a potential second term in the White House.


Last May, Trump said he was “inclined to pardon many” of the rioters. “I can’t say for every single one, because a couple of them, probably they got out of control,” he told a town hall in New Hampshire.

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He added that the pardons would come “very early on” if he’s re-elected but didn’t explicitly say it could be a potential Day 1 priority for his administration.

During a campaign event in Iowa in January Trump called out the Biden administration for mistreating the prisoners. “They’ve suffered enough,” Trump said of the convicts. “I call them hostages. Some people call them prisoners.”

Over 1300 people were charged across the 50 states in America for various crimes relating to the January 6th events.

In January, the DOJ released an update from the investigation, confirming that at least 550 defendants were sentenced while at least 330 have been imprisoned.

Almost 500 individuals were charged with impeding law enforcement, which is a felony, and assault. The investigation into the incident is still ongoing.

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President Biden’s campaign spokesperson said in a statement to NBC News in response to Trump’s comments that the former president “has shown he’ll do whatever it takes to hold on to power — including excusing and encouraging political violence.”

“The American people haven’t forgotten the violent attack at our Capitol on January 6 — they know Trump is too dangerous to be let anywhere near the Oval Office again, and they’ll turn out to protect our democracy and keep Trump out of the White House this November,” Sarafina Chitika said.

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