Eric Thompson

‘I Was Disgusted’: Miss Maryland Contestants Speak Out After Man Wins

The recent Miss Maryland USA pageant has sparked significant controversy after Bailey Anne Kennedy, a trans-identifying male, was crowned the winner on June 1st, coinciding with the start of Pride Month. Several contestants have voiced their discontent, claiming the competition was biased and that they were misled about Kennedy’s gender identity.

Miss Maryland ‘2024 a MAN?! Video:

Elizabeth McCarthy, a contestant, expressed her shock and dismay upon realizing she had competed against a biological man. “I first realized I competed with a biological man a few days after the competition. I saw it on the Miss Maryland USA Instagram post. At first, I was shocked. I felt sick to my stomach and was so upset for the other women in the top five,” McCarthy said. She described the pageant as “rigged” and criticized the organizers for allowing contestants to undress in front of a man without prior disclosure.

The sentiment of betrayal and discomfort was echoed by other contestants. One contestant, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, “I felt lied to. I would’ve liked to know ahead of time, as I was subject to change, utilize the bathroom, and be in the same space as a biological man … it surely seemed like the organization and Bailey was trying to hide this fact until it was convenient to them.”

Another contestant highlighted the timing of Kennedy’s victory as suspicious. “What are the odds that a trans-identifying individual wins the Miss Maryland USA title on the first day of Pride Month? I feel that men are taking over everything that women worked so hard for,” she remarked. This perspective underscores a broader conservative critique of the increasing inclusion of transgender individuals in spaces traditionally reserved for biological women.

Such incidents represent a broader trend of compromising women’s spaces and opportunities in favor of ideological conformity. The victory of Kennedy in the Miss Maryland pageant is viewed as an example of political correctness overshadowing merit and fairness. Critics assert that this not only undermines the efforts and investments of female contestants but also challenges the integrity of the competition itself.

Ben Shapiro, a conservative political commentator, addressed the controversy, stating, “This is a clear example of the insanity that has taken over our cultural institutions. Allowing biological men to compete in women’s events is not only unfair but also disrespectful to the women who have dedicated their lives to these achievements.”

The Miss Maryland USA pageant, part of the Miss Universe organization, promises a “fair environment in which young women have the opportunity to develop skills that will help them win in life by being their personal best in everything they do.” However, contestants argue that this promise was not upheld in this instance. They feel that their chances were undermined by what they perceive as an agenda-driven decision.

Kennedy’s victory, viewed within the context of the pageant being owned by a trans-identifying male, adds another layer of controversy. Some contestants believe that the selection of Kennedy was influenced by the organization’s leadership and their ideological commitments. “There isn’t a doubt in my mind that it was not [rigged],” one contestant said. “For example, I think in previous years, the pageant secured different judges … I think they were changed. In addition, the staff were not respectful nor pleasant.”

The controversy has also highlighted the financial and emotional investments made by the contestants. Participating in such pageants often requires significant expenditure on coaching, hair, makeup, and sponsorships. Contestants feel that their efforts were rendered futile by what they perceive as a predetermined outcome.

As Kennedy prepares to compete for the title of Miss USA in Los Angeles in August, the debate surrounding this incident continues to escalate. The conservative viewpoint advocates for a re-evaluation of policies that allow biological men to compete in women’s competitions. Critics call for a return to traditional standards that respect the distinctions between male and female categories.

The Miss Maryland USA pageant controversy serves as a microcosm of the broader cultural debates about gender identity, fairness, and the integrity of women-only spaces.


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